New Technology for :Easy & Fast Garden

New Technology for :Easy & Fast Garden



          फूल–बिरुवा र आकर्षक बगैंचाको रहर सबैलाई हुन्छ । तर, बिरुवा उमार्ने, त्यसका लागि गर्नुपर्ने नियमित स्याहारको झन्झटले धेरैजनाका लागि यो रहरमै सीमित हुन्छ । कतिपयलाई व्यस्तताका कारण बगैंचाका लागि फूल–बिरुवा तयार गर्ने समय नै उपलब्ध हुँदैन ।
यस्तो प्रतिकूलतालाई सम्बोधन गर्ने गरी २ महिनाअघिबाट तयारी बगैंचाको विकल्प लिएर आएको छ, यूजी इन्टरप्राइजेज । विदेशमा अभ्यस्त बनिसकेको यस्तो गार्डेनिङ सेवा नेपालमा भने पहिलो हो ।
५ जना युवाको समूहले सुरु गरेको बगैंचा सजाउन सघाउने यो पृथक् अवधारणाको सेवालाई उनीहरुले ‘आई एम द गार्डेनर’ स्लोगनमा पस्किरहेका छन् । यसले ग्राहकलाई तत्कालै आफ्नो बगैंचा तयार गर्न सकिने किसिमले विभिन्न किसिमका तयारी फूल–बिरुवा उपलब्ध गराउँछ ।
गार्डेनिङ गर्न चाहने तर समयको अभावका कारण यसलाई रेखदेख गर्न नपाउने व्यक्तिहरुलाई यो अत्यन्तै सहज र सुलभ उपाय हुन सक्छ । घर, रेस्टुरेन्ट, होटल, पार्टी, सेमिनारलगायतका ठाउँमा छिटो तथा छोटो समयमा फूल–बिरुवा सजाउन यो एकदमै प्रभावकारी हुनेछ ।
यूजीले फक्रिसकेको फूल तथा बिरुवालाई गमलामा सजाएर तयारी अवस्थामा विक्री गर्दछ । सामान्यतया बगैंचा सजाउनका लागि नर्सरीबाट प्लाष्टिक (पोली)मा उमारेका बिरुवा लगेर सार्ने गरिन्छ । तर, ‘आई एम द गार्डेनर’ले हुर्किसकेका वा पूर्ण रुपमा फूल फुलिसकेको बिरुवालाई गमलासहित तयारी अवस्थामा उपलब्ध गराउने हुँदा त्यसलाई घर लगेर सीधै सजाउन सकिन्छ । बिरुवा सारेर त्यसलाई नियमित हेरविचार गर्नुपर्ने तथा गमलाको सरसफाइ र रङरोगन गरिरहनुपर्ने झन्झट यसमा बेहोर्नु नपर्ने यूजीका मार्केटिङ डाइरेक्टर केवल रिसालले बताए । ‘प्लाष्टिकको गमला प्रयोग गरिएकाले यसको सरसफाइमा धेरै समय खर्चिनुपर्दैन,’ उनले भने, ‘साथै यो आकर्षक पनि देखिने भएकाले ग्राहकको रुचिलाई ध्यानमा राख्दै हामीले प्लाष्टिककै गमला प्रयोग गरेका छौं ।’
प्लाष्टिकबाट वातावरणमा पर्न सक्ने असरबारे सजग हुँदै यूजीले रिसाइकल गर्न (पुनः उपयोगमा ल्याउन) मिल्ने किसिमको यूपीभीसी मेटेरियलबाट बनेका गमला मात्र प्रयोग गर्ने गरेको बताएको छ । गमलामा ७० प्रतिशत मल र माटो ३० प्रतिशत मात्र हाल्ने गरिएको रिसालको भनाइ छ । यसले गर्दा फूल–बिरुवासहितको गमला हलुका हुने हुँदा यता–उता सार्नुपर्दा पनि सजिलो हुन्छ । यसरी पहिले नै गमालामा पर्याप्त मल हालेर हुर्काइएको फूल राखिने हुँदा घर लगेर फेरि माटो तथा मलको व्यवस्था गर्नुपर्ने झन्झट हुने छैन ।
यूजीले विभिन्न जातका फूल, इनडोर÷आउटडोर प्लान्ट, मौसमी बिरुवालगायत तयारी अवस्थामा उपलब्ध गराउने गरेको छ । यसमध्ये केही सेलाजिनेला, साइक्लामेन, गुलाब, गोदावरी, सयपत्री, धुपी, सूर्यमुखी केही हुन् । साना तथा ठूला आकारमा, ह्याङ्गिङ आदि लगायतका सबै प्रकारका गमला र फूल उपलब्ध गराउने जानकारी दिएको छ । गमला आवश्यक नहुनेले फूल÷बिरुवा मात्र पनि लिन सक्नेछन् ।
गमलासहित लिँदा पनि फूल-बिरुवाको मूल्य बजार भाउसँग प्रतिस्पर्धी नै रहेको रिसालले जानकारी दिए । साथै, आफूसँग नभएको फूल पनि ग्राहकले अर्डर गरे उपलब्ध गराइदिने उनले बताएका छन् ।
यूजीले बिक्रीका लागि तयार गर्ने फूल-बिरुवाहरु अहिले मण्डिखाटारस्थित खड्का नर्सरीबाट उत्पादन गरेर ल्याउने गरेको छ । उक्त नर्सरी यूजीका सह–प्रवद्र्धकमध्येका एकको पारिवारिक व्यवसाय पनि हो । यसका साथै, निकट भविष्यमै यूजीले व्यावसायिक फूल खेतीका लागि विश्वमै चर्चित मुलुक नेदरल्याण्डलबाट पनि फूल÷बिरुवा आयातको तयारी गरेको बताएको छ । रिसालले भने, ‘नेदरल्याण्डलगायतका देशबाट पनि ल्याउन अर्डर गरिसकेका छौं ।’ गमला भने यसले अहिले भारत र चीनबाट आयात गरिरहेको छ ।
फूल तथा गमलाको आकार-प्रकारअनुरुप २५ रुपैयाँदेखि २५०० सम्मका बिरुवा यूजीको धुम्बाराहीस्थित ‘आई एम द गार्डेनर’ आउटलेटमा उपलब्ध छन् । यसले ग्राहकलाई खरिद गरेको फूल-बिरुवाको स्याहार–सुसार गर्ने तरिकाबारे पनि आवश्यक सम्पूर्ण जानकारी दिने गरेको छ । जसले गर्दा पछि पनि बिरुवालाई उचित हेरविचार गर्न मद्दत मिल्नेछ ।
source:property today

July 19, 2017 |

Products Complains by Users


Customers are still unknown about the right products,right brand,right suppliersn& right repairers, so due to lack of technicals knowledge about the products ,they are still cheated in every steps of purchasing ,nepalconstructions is trying its best efforts to convey your valuable complain/ appreciation messages about the producte & services.Any customers & viewers are requested to send their complain about construction & related products & services to us. just filing the complain firm,it will be noticed by public,THANKS

Complain no 1.for water pumps

My name is Ramesh Tiwari,from Kathmandu,I purchased export quality chinese summersible water pumps from Everest Machinery & parts Lampati ,Kalanki for install in my newly built well,costing Rs 5800.with one year warantee.But it was fully damaged within three month,& complain to suppliers ,he didnot care for me,& I went repairs in next place,they cost me Rs 3000/ for repair .so ,I requested to buy from best suppliers only. Be careful from such a suppliers .THANKS

July 15, 2017 |

Building on Rental





house /land on Rent/on sale

contact directly for details






















Cement Information

उपभोक्ताले सिमेन्ट किन्दा सबैभन्दा पहिले उत्पादन मिति थाहा पाउन यसको ब्याच नम्बर हेर्नुपर्छ। कम्पनीले उत्पादन गर्दा बोरामा वर्षमा ५२ हप्ताअनुसार ५२ वटा ब्याच नम्बर राखेको हुन्छ। २०७३ वैशाख १ गतेखि ७ गते सम्मको समयमा उत्पादित सिमेन्टमा २०७३/१ लेखिएको हुन्छ। त्यस्तै यदि बोरामा २०७२/५२ लेखिएको छ भने त्यो सिमेन्ट २०७२ चैतको अन्तिम हप्तामा उत्पादित हो भन्ने बुझ्नुपर्छ। 



कुनै पनि भौतिक संरचना निर्माण गर्दा सिमेन्ट आवश्यक हुन्छ। यसको गुणस्तर र मात्राले संरचनाको बलियोपन निर्धारण गर्छ।


अन्य खाद्य सामग्री जस्तै सिमेन्ट पनि उत्पादन भएको निश्चित अवधिभित्र उपयोग गरी सक्नुपर्छ। यसको पनि मिति र प्रयोग गर्ने अवधि सकिन्छ। धेरैले यसको बारेमा ख्याल नराख्दा निर्माण गरिएका संरचनाहरु कमजोर हुने गरेको छ।


हाल नेपाली बजारमा स्वदेशी र विदेशी गरी झण्डै ३० भन्दा बढी कम्पनीले सिमेन्टको उत्पादन गरी रहेका छन्। यसरी उत्पादन गरिएका सिमेन्टहरु मध्ये धेरैमा दैनिक उपभोग्य गर्ने सामानमा जस्तो प्रत्यक्ष रुपमा उत्पादित र म्याद सकिने मिति लेखिएको हुँदैन। तर यसमा ध्यान दिएर खोजियो भने सो मिति थाहा पाउन सकिन्छ।



सिमेन्टको उत्पादन मिति र प्रयोग गरिसक्नुपर्ने अवधि कसरी थाहा पाउने?


कम्पनीले सिमेन्ट उत्पादनको समयमा बोरामा ब्याच नम्बर उल्लेख गर्छ। यही ब्याच नम्बरका आधारमा सिमेन्टको उत्पादन र प्रयोगका लागि अन्तिम मिति पत्ता लगाउन सकिने नापतौल तथा गुणस्तर विभागका निर्देशक विश्व बाबु पुडासैनीले बताए।


उपभोक्ताले सिमेन्ट किन्दा सबैभन्दा पहिले उत्पादन मिति थाहा पाउन यसको ब्याच नम्बर हेर्नुपर्छ। कम्पनीले उत्पादन गर्दा बोरामा वर्षमा ५२ हप्ताअनुसार ५२ वटा ब्याच नम्बर राखेको हुन्छ।


जस्तै २०७३ वैशाख १ गतेखि ७ गते सम्मको समयमा उत्पादित सिमेन्टमा २०७३/१ लेखिएको हुन्छ। त्यस्तै यदि बोरामा २०७२/५२ लेखिएको छ भने त्यो सिमेन्ट २०७२ चैतको अन्तिम हप्तामा उत्पादित हो भन्ने बुझ्नुपर्छ।


सिमेन्ट सही तरिकाले स्टोर गरेर राखिएको छ भने उत्पादित मितिको ६ महिनाभित्रमा प्रयोग गर्न सकिने गुणस्तर विभागले जनाएको छ। त्यस्तै, सिमेन्ट किन्दा ब्याचनम्बर हेरेर पछिल्लो समयमा उत्पादन गरिएको किन्नु राम्रो हुने पुडासैनीले बताए। जहिले पनि ब्याचनम्बर हेरेर मात्र सिमेन्ट किन्ने हो भने म्याद सकिएको सिमेन्ट लिनबाट जोगिन सकिन्छ। यसका लागि उपभोक्ता आफैं सचेत हुनुपर्छ।


त्यस्तै किन्ने बेलामा पसलले सिमेन्ट कसरी स्टोर गरेर राखेको छ भन्नेमा पनि ध्यान दिनुपर्ने विभागको सुझाव छ। यो कुराको सचेतना आवश्यक रहेको पुडासैनीले बताए। चिसो ठाउँमा राखिएको सिमेन्टमा ओस आउने र डल्ला पर्ने हुनसक्छ।


नेपाल गुणस्तर चिन्ह प्राप्त नेपाली सिमेन्ट सबैलाई विभागले ३३ ग्रेडको मान्यता प्राप्त प्रमाणपत्र दिएको छ। कम्पनीले पनि उत्पादन समयमा उक्त सिमेन्टमा गुणस्तर पुरा भए नभएको परीक्षण गर्नुपर्छ। यदि कम्पनीले तोकिएको मापदण्ड पुरा नगरेमा ईजाजतपत्र खारेज समेत गर्न सकिने विभागले जानकारी दिएको छ।


यसअघि विभागले २०७२ चैत महिनादेखि उत्पादित  सबै सिमेन्टको बोरामा स्पष्ट रुपमा उत्पादन मिति र प्रयोग गर्नुपर्ने अन्तिम मिति राख्ने बताएपनि अहिलेसम्म यो लागू् गर्न सकेको छैन। विभागका महानिर्देशक पुडासैनीले प्राविधिक समस्याको कारणले चैत महिनादेखि लागू गर्न नसकेपनि अब आउने आर्थिक वर्ष देखि लागू गर्ने तयारी रहेको बताए।


Source : SETOPATI,2016


यसका लागि उपभोक्ता आफैं सचेत हुनुपर्छ


Source : setopati ,2016



Nawalparwasi :A Biggest Cement City


Cement factories are springing up in Nawalparasi due to favourable investment environment. The district alone houses 5 cement factories running on high capacities. Nepal has a total of 47 cement factories.

Palpa, which shares a border with Nawalparasi, contains the largest limestone mine in the country. This allows cement factories located in Nawalparasi close proximity with the mine, located only 30-35 kilometres away. The close proximity allows factories to get their primary raw material easily.

Additionally, Nawalparasi’s closesness with the Indian border makes importing of other raw materials easy.

“Nawalparasi is the perfect place for cement factories due to a litany of reasons,” said Bharat Thapa, president of Federation of Nepali Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), “It is close to the Indian border, it is located in the central part of the country and although Palpa contains the limestone mine, factories cannot grow there due to physical adversities of the Hilly region, which ultimately sends all the lime to the closest factory place: Nawalparasi.”

Another strong factor in Nawalparasi attracting investors is the price of land, which is low compared to other areas like Rupandehi, Chitwan or Makwanpur. There is an abundance of cheap land outside of residential areas in Nawalparasi.

Major cement factories such as CG Cement, Sarvottan Cement, Palpa Cement receive endorsements from district locals as the factories are located far away from residential areas.

Furthermore, these factories use modern technology to reduce noise and air pollution, bolstering their support from locals.

Last year, Hongshi Shivam Cement of Nawalparasi produced six thousand tonnes of cement daily during winter. With further improvements to its infrastructure, the same factory is aiming to double its output within two years. According to the factory director, Dipak Jha, the factor was established with investments from Chinese and Nepali investors worth Rs36 billion.

Similarly, Hiranganj Cement is also planning to expand its capacity from 1,200 tonnes per day to 1,800 tonnes per day. CG Cement is looking to improve its capacity from 1,200 tonnes per day to 2,400 tonnes while Palpa Cement will soon output 2,000 tonnes of cement daily.

According to Thapa, foreign companies such as India’s Reliance, Nigeria’s Dangote and China’s Houchin Construction, have started buying land in Nawalparasi to build cement factories.

source : Kathmandu Post


Nepal: Annapurna Cements has started test production at its new plant in the Sunsari-Morang Industrial Corridor. The US$5.8m plant has a production capacity of 12000bags/day of Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC), according to the Kathmandu Post. Commercial production at the site is expected to start by the end of June 2017. The plant will import raw materials from India and it plans to sell its products initially in Provinces One, Two and Three.

Published in Global Cement News

Nepal: Data from the Nepal Rastra Brank shows that the value of cement imports have doubled year-on-year to US$155m in the first 10 months of the current financial year from US$77m in the same period in 2015 – 2016. The surge in imports has coincided with a fall in the capacity utilisation rate of most cement plants to 60%, according to the Himalayan Times newspaper. The fall in local production has been blamed on difficulties importing clinker, coal and other raw materials. Reduced electricity supplies have also affected production. The Cement Manufacturers Association of Nepal hopes that, if these impediments are reduced, the country could become self reliant in clinker within two years.

Published in Global Cement News

Nepal: Hongshi Shivam Cement’s Sardi cement plant project in Nalwalparasi is likely to be delayed due to slow progress by the government in building a road to a nearby limestone quarry. The project was due to start production in May 2017 but the slow rate of investment by the Chinese firm’s state partner has caused this completion estimate to be revised, according to the Kathmandu Post. Other infrastructure requirements for the project that are slowing it down include a 40km road to the site and an electricity substation

6 April 2017

Nepal: Arghakhanchi Cement has launched Arghakhanchi MP OPC Cement in new waterproof packaging. The cement producer says that the new packaging will protect the cement from moisture and prevent leakage of cement, according the Kathmandu Post. The new bags are also intended to ensure a standard weight for the product. The company plans to increase its production capacity from its plant at Mainahiya, Rupandehi to 60,000 bags/day from the end of 2017.

Published in Global Cement News

Nepal: Jagdamba Cement said that it has rebranded its Jagdamba Ultra Premium OPC Cement product with new packaging and appointed Bhusal Dahal as its brand ambassador. The cement producer added in a statement that its products can now compete with any international product available in Nepal, according to the República newspaper. It added that it has received NS 49, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 9001:2015/ISO 14001:2015 certifications as well as letter of appreciation 2014 and 2015 in NS Quality Awards.

Published in Global Cement News

Nepal: Data from the Trade and Export Promotion Centre (TEPC) has shown that the value of imports of clinker has increased by nearly six times year-on-year to US$84m in the first six months of the Nepalese fiscal year to mid-January 2017 from US$14m in the same period in the previous year. Dhurba Thapa, president of the local Cement Manufacturers Association, told the Kathmandu Post that the surge in clinker imports was due to a market correction following a ban on exports imposed by India in the previous year. He added that imports of clinker from India account for around 35 – 40% of Nepal’s total consumption.

Nepal: Government plans to grade domestic brands of cement have been delayed due to administrative issues at the Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology (NBSM). The NBSM prepared a draft for the certification in the autumn of 2016 but it has failed to approve it internally before forwarding it to the Nepal Standard Council, according to the Himalayan Times. The delay has been blamed on the busy schedule of NBSM employees. Under the plan, cement produced by local companies will be certified under three quality categories: 33-grade, 43-grade and 53-grade cement.

Nepal: The value of clinker imported from India into Nepal has risen by 674% year-on-year to US$60.5m in the first four months of the local financial year that started on 16 July 2016 from US$7.8m from the same period in the previous year, according to the Trade and Export Promotion Centre. Dhruba Raj Thapa, president of Cement Manufacturers Association of Nepal, in comments to the Himalayan Times attributed the surge to a lack of raw materials, including limestone, which has forced producers to import clinker from India. He added that government restrictions on opening new mines have restricted the local industry’s ability to produce its own

Paints News

KATHMANDU, March 11: Asian Paints Nepal has started offering Apex Ultima Protek in Nepal. Issuing a statement, the company said the paint helps keep outer walls of houses attractive for years.

The Apex Ultima Protek has a Teflon surface-protector which makes the paint more hard and resilient. According to the company, the paint helps protect exterior surfaces even in unfavorable climate.

Asian Paints Nepal is asking people who want to know more about its new product to type
‘PRO’ and send it as an SMS to 36677.

KATHMANDU: Aero Bricks Company Pvt Ltd has started production of blocks based on Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC), which can be used as an alternative to red bricks.

The block is cheaper and stronger in comparison with other available bricks in the market, as per the press statement. The shape of the block can be adjusted as per the demand

July 14, 2017 |

Guide Line for making a new house



भवन निर्माण गर्दा अपनाउनुपर्ने प्रक्रिया :
१. अमिनबाट बाटो वा प्रस्तावित बाटो/जीएलडी (गाइडेड ल्यान्ड डेभलपमेन्ट) जाँच गर्ने
२. इन्जिनियरबाट नक्सा जाँच तथा दस्तुर निर्धारण गराउने
३. भवन संहिताले निर्देशित गरेअनुसारका शर्त पालना गरेर भूकम्पबाट सुरक्षित किसिमले घरको नक्सा डिजाइन भएको छ छैन भन्ने कम्प्युटर जाँच गराउने
४. इन्जिनियरबाट सोको नक्सा पुनः जाँच गराउने
५. शुल्क बुझाउने (शुल्क प्रतिवर्गफिट आवासीय भवनलाई रू. २५ र व्यापारिक प्रयोजनका भवनमा रू. ३५ लाग्छ ।)
६. नक्सा पुनः जाँच र शुल्क भुक्तानीको बेहोरा कम्प्युटरमा दर्ता गराउने
७. वडाबाट सर्जिमन सूचना टासँका लागि सम्बन्धित वडामा नक्सा फाइल दर्ता गराउने
८. वडा कार्यालयबाट सर्जिमनको सूचना टाँस
९. सूचना टाँस गरेको १५ दिनपछि सर्जिमन वडा कार्यालयका प्राविधिकबाट स्थान निरीक्षण प्रमाणित गर्ने
१०. वडा प्रमुख वा प्रशासकीय प्रमुखबाट शहरी विकास विभागमा सक्कलै फाइल पठाउने
११. वडा कार्यालयबाट ल्याएको फाइल नगरपालिकाको शहरी विकास विभागको सम्बन्धित फाटँमा बुझाउने तथा दर्ता गर्ने
१२. सम्बन्धित वडाको जिम्मेवारी तोकिएको इन्जिनियरले फाइल जाँच गर्ने
१३. जाँच गरेको फाइल स्वीकृत गर्ने अघिकारीसमक्ष पेश गर्ने
१४. प्लिन्थ लेबल (डीपीसी)सम्मको निर्माण कार्य सम्पन्न गरिसकेपछि सो कार्यको स्थलगत जाँच हुने
१५. प्लिन्थ लेबल स्थलगत जाँच रिपोर्ट पेशपश्चात् इन्जिनियरबाट नक्सा जाँच गराई स्वीकृतिका लागि महाशाखा प्रमुख वा विभागीय प्रमुखसमक्ष पेश गर्ने
१६. स्थायी नक्सा पास गरेर कम्प्युटरमा दर्ता गराउने
१७. स्थायी इजाजत पत्र प्राप्त

नक्सा पास गर्नका लागि आवश्यक कागजातहरू

भवनको नक्सा आवेदन फाइलमा उल्लेख भएका कागजपत्रहरू
– सम्बन्धित व्यक्तिको नागरिकताको प्रतिलिपि
– कित्ता नापी नक्सा
– जग्गाको मालपोत तिरेको प्रमाणपत्रसमेत सम्बन्धित कार्यालयमा पेश गर्नुपर्नेछ
– चारकिल्ला स्पस्ट पारिएको कागजात

आवासीय भवनको नक्सा पास हुन तथा निर्माण स्वीकृति पाउन निम्न आधारभूत शर्त सरकारले तोकेको छ ।
– सडकको चौडाइ न्यूनतम ६ मिटर र न्यूनतम सेडब्याक सडक किनाराबाट १.५ मिटर छोडिएको हुनुपर्ने
– सेटब्याक छाडेर मात्र पर्खाल लगाउन पाइने । पर्खालको उचाइ बढीमा ४ फिट र त्योभन्दा माथि ३ फिट तारको जाली राख्न सकिने
– पर्खाल, सेफ्टी ट्याङ्कीसमेतको नक्सा पास गर्नुपर्ने
– सडकको क्षेत्राधिकार र सेड ब्याकभित्र टप, बार्दली, छज्जी आदि कुनै पनि संरचनाहरू बनाउन नपाइने । भवन निर्माण क्षेत्रभित्र पनि एक मिटरभन्दा बढीको टप, बार्दली, छज्जी निकाल्न नपाइने
– निर्माण सम्पन्न प्रमाणपत्रविना भवनको बैङ्किङ र बीमा कारोबार गर्न नसकिने
– ३० डिग्रीभन्दा भिरालो जमीनमा भवन बनाउन नपाइने
– खानी तथा भूगर्भ विभाग र जिल्ला दैवी प्रकोप उद्धार समितिले निषेध गरेको स्थानमा भवन बनाउन नपाइने
– २५० वर्गमिटरसम्मको क्षेत्रमा घर बनाउँदा २० प्रतिशत र सोभन्दा बढीमा ४० प्रतिशत जमीन खाली राखेर भवन निर्माण गरिनुपर्ने
– विमानस्थलको धावनमार्ग आसपास भवन बनाउन लागिएको अवस्थामा नागरिक उड्डयन प्राधिकरणले तोकेको मापदण्ड पूरा गरेको हुनुपर्ने । धावनमार्गको बाहिरी सीमाबाट ५०० मिटर आसापस १७ मिटरभन्दा अग्लो भवन निर्माण गर्नुपर्दा नागरिक उड्डयन प्राधिकरणबाट अनिवार्य रूपमा स्वीकृति लिएको हुनुपर्ने
– उपत्यकाबाहिरका नगरपालिकाहरूले शहरी विकास मन्त्रालयले तयार पारेको भवन निर्माणसम्बन्धी मार्गदर्शन २०७२ लाई पालना गर्नुपर्ने
Source property Todoy








July 13, 2017 |

Vaastu for Office






Vastu saastra  for all buildings whether it is a home, factory, temple or even an office. Office is mainly built to generate financial growth of business. Vastu suggests some rules in building offices that prove to be very functional for economic growth of the organization.


Vastu principles are applied keeping in mind various energy fields originating from different directions. First of all a site should be selected, which is free from any Vastu defect. After selection of the site, the layout of office should be planned by following these Vastu norms.

Construction of Office

The plot of office should be rectangular or square. Heavy structure should be built in the South and the West as these are negative zones.  More open space should be in the East or north direction. The slope of floor should be towards East, North or Northeast. The height of building should be equal in all sides. Water bodies should be built in northeast or eastern zone. Water sump is good in the North or East. But overhead tank in northeast is a big Vastu defect. So, the tank should be built in southwest direction. Staircase should be built in southern or western part of the office. Staircase in the center of office is not good. Toilets can be built in the west or northwest. Northeast and southwest directions should not be used for toilet. Office should not be built near temple, grave yard or hospital.

Interior of Office

Design reception in northeast of office and receptionist should sit facing the North or East.


Waiting room can be in northeast or northwest direction of the building. But northeast corner should be left for temple and flowers can be placed in northeast direction. The office of Chairman or General Manager should be built in southwest or south direction of the building. He should sit in southwest direction facing north. His desk should be rectangular. Employees should sit facing the North or East. Employees should not sit under beam. If any other alternative is not possible, the loft of beam can be covered with wooden board.Place heavy almirah or safe in the southwest in which important documents are stored. Pantry of office should be built in southeast of the building as southeast direction is a place for fire. The center of office should not have any heavy structure. Paint office in light colors. Avoid dark colors as they make us short tempered. Doors and windows of office should be in the north and east direction. Don’t use paintings depicting sadness in the office.

July 13, 2017 |

Make Dust Free Home



Some Tips

    • Fix the window frames with outer surface of the wall to collect the dust at the sill of the window. Dust can be avoided by fixing the window frames at the inner surface of the wall.
    • Fix paneled door shutters with “Chokhats” to gather the dust on the top of the projected beading of the door shutter.
  • Fix flush door shutters with the door frames; as there is not any type of projection on the flush door shutters, to avoid collection of dust.
  • Raise the floor-level of the cupboard up to the level of the cupboard frame to avoid the dust gathered inside the cupboard. Now it is very easy to clean the floor of the cupboard.
  • Construct skirting or dado with the wall to obtain cleaner surface and safeguard of the wall from dampness for architectural view.
  • Avoid the dust gathered on the projected portion of the dado/ skirting by making the slope on the top of the dado/skirting as the thickness of dado/ skirting is more than the thickness of plaster on the wall.
  • Provide face work on the walls of the veranda for architectural view in some constructions. Plaster the walls to avoid the dust gathered on the joints of the wall

July 13, 2017 |

Latest & strongest Housing in Nepal



Housing /Appartment & land development business is a most fashional ,& gromming,

There are too many housing & appartment developpers company in Nepal,exclusively located in Kathmandu & Pokhara Valley & other cities.Customers are in great confusion to choice  the  quality & strong property.The housing/appartment which are safed  from Great Earthquake 2015,in Nepal is important reason to buy,customers believes to them.

About 50 % those property are effected, by the earthquake ,  the rest  which are safed ,are in great choice, the developers whose projects are safe,these are considered as a strong  & best homes/appartment. The projects run by: : Civil Homes,The comfort housing,CE constructions,& Roadshow Real Estate

have proved their quality  in housing  constructions trade.Their   projects were safed from a great Now,they are running housing projects in different locations ,successfully.

Visit Their Projects




July 13, 2017 |

Findings best furnishing in Nepal





                            In today’s context, decorating our home office and places is one of the major concerned to the people. Apart from that the major challenge is to find out best  furnishings stores & suppliers  where we can find out all the furnishing items under one roof


                              It is too difficult to choice   such a  right &  best outles for complete ranges under one roof in Nepal, the idea of decorating their home, office and other places at initial stage. The major market of furnishing stores in Nepal is Kathmandu.


                             As I work now is one of the leading furnishing store in Nepal. So, according to my knowledge & experience, I have listed below best suppliers.


                        Best & Leading   Furnishing Stores in Nepal

-Chandra chun furnishing;boudha Tel:9869420756


Companies Contact No.
Kunal Furnishing, Jawalakhel, Lailipur 9851110960


July 8, 2017 |

Cost of Building a House in Kathmandu

Comments Off on Cost of Building a House in Kathmandu

Do you want to construct a beautiful house in Kathmandu?

The season is favorable for construction. One should pay attention to even small details in order to avoid high expenses and to prevent human causalities in case of disasters.

for trade Info:9851110960

View Details

June 30, 2017 |

Why Prefab house?


A prefabricated structure, is a structure which has components manufactured in an off-site industrial facility. They are sometimes referred to as factory-made or modular structures, although there are some notable differences. In a prefab structure, components are made in house and transported in a flat-pack form lowering logistical costs, whereas modular homes have entire sections of the given structure built off site. By opting for Prefab; human error, waste, time, energy & costs are significantly reduced allowing for efficient construction.
After Great earth quake in Nepal in 2015 most of the constructions ,like, home ,shelter,factort,&many outlets are are constructed by prefab system

June 14, 2017 |
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