nepa constructions Industries
Below Listed construction and its related materials are manufactured in Nepal in few quaantity
using local and imported raw materials.Mostof them are imported from India
visit catagory , to findtheir contact address
- Adesive Industry
- Agriculture tools industry
- Cement Industry
- Brick Industry
- Iron & Steel Industry
- Furniture Industry
- Battrey Industry
- Bio Gas Industry
- Cable and Wire
- Carpet handmade
- Carpet-Nonwoven
- Carpet -PVC
- Concrette
- Ceramics Tiles
- Cement Products
- Electrical appliances
- Doost/window fittings
- Fasteners
- Fibre Glass Product
- Flush Door
- Furniture-wroght Iron
- Furniture-Iron/steel
- Furniture-wooden
- Galvanised sheet
- Gas Geyser
- Glass
- Laminated sheet
- Mosaic Tiles
- Metal Box
- Nut bolt
- Packaging Material
- Plastics
- Pipes
- Paint
- Paint Brush
- Ply Board
- Solar Heater
- Solar Energy
- Taps and Valves
- Tiles
- Transfermer
- Water Tank
- Upvc Pipe
- Pxaccord ionitem