UPVC: Door, Window & Partitions:





Find Best Upvc door,window,Partition .roofings  Fabricators

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UPVC (Un-plasticized polyvinyl chloride) Door and Window is mainly used in the replacement for wood in construction.

This technology meets the higher demands of inhabitant comfort as it is durable with minimal expansion and contraction, provides superior insulation from outside heat, are self extinguishing and do not propagate fire. It is the material of choice for achieving both economic and environmental balance.

Throughout the globe, for more than 30 years, UPVC has become one of the most used materials. From the deserts of Arizona to the coldest parts of Scandinavia, this technology has been serving successfully. This material also has been proved to be useful in extreme hot conditions of the gulf.

With the UPVC windows and doors market share growing faster than any other new product in Australia, and its market being established in global scenario, builders from Nepal are also increasingly using and preferring this materials.

Kshamadevi building materials is the authorized dealer of CONCH brand UPVC materials being manufactured and traded by China Anhui Conch Group and Wuhu Conch Profiles and Science Co. Ltd. With the experience of more than 6-7 decades in this industry, these companies have the production capacity of 60 million tons and are currently serving all over China and are exported to numerous countries like United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia.

Specification of UPVC Profile

Sliding and Casement Window
SN Profile Size Remarks
1 Sliding Window/ Door Frame 88 x 52 Color White
2 Sliding Window Sash 57 x 42 Color White
3 Sliding Door Sash 80 x 37 Color White
4 Casement Window Frame 60 x 60 Color White
5 Casement Window Sash 78 x 60 Color White
6 Casement Window Mullion 72 x 60 Color White
4 Iron 1.5mm


Hinge Door
SN Profile Size Remarks
1 Hinge Door Frame 60 x 60 Color White
2 Hinge Door Sash 104 x 60 Color White
3 Hinge Door Mullion 72 x 60 Color White
4 Door Panel 100 x 25 Color White

Glass: 5 mm Indian Glass

Insect Preventing Net: Nylon- Color Grey

Hardware: Patented Standard Hardware’s like Rollers, Gaskets, Brush seal, Moon locks, Normal locks, Door locks, Silicon, Pufoam, 100 mm Grip Screw etc with all necessary hardware’s.

Note: Casement Shutter available at extra charge of NRs 5000 only.




  • Perfect Insulation: keeps the cold out and the warmth in during winter and vice versa in the summer, ultimate in insulation, safe on   heating and cooling bills.
  • Highly hygienic: keeps dust, polling, wind and bacteria out while closed
  • Virtually no maintenance required
  • Superb safety with highly advanced multi point locking systems all around
  • Windows are made to size, excellent when replacing windows etc
  • Wood look alike with real feeling grain’
  • Modern UPVC is not affected by wind, dust particles, sun UV and other natural elements
  • Easy to clean
  • Easy operation
  • Integral lift rails, interlocks and weather-stripping pocket,
  • Environmently friendly
  • Cheap & Best

UPVC Roofings

The excellent quality of UPVC roofing sheet is ensured by using high-quality materials,high-tech durability formula,and the whole set of imported tri-ply co-extruded compound foamed equipment.

Key Features of UPVC Roofing Sheet:

  • Super heat and sound insulation.
  • Anti-corrosion.
  • Water-proof.
  • Easy to install.
    • Outstanding sound and heat insulation.
    • Acid and alkali resistance:Foam UPVC roof tile has extra anti-corrosion capacity.
    • Light weight: 4.0kg/m2, 5.0kg/m2, 6.0kg/m2.
    • 100% water resistance.
    • Fire resistance: B1 grade.
    • Excellent anti-impact capacity.
    • Weather resistant:the UV agent mixing in the corrugated sheet,which can truly resist the damage of ultraviolet ray.
    • Environment protection: it does not contain asbestos with no carcinogen released.
    • Beauty: UPVC roof tile has rich and bright colors,The regular colors are Black ,Red,White,Beige,Green,Blue,Grey,Brick Red.
    • Easy to drill,saw and install,available proportion is up to 95%.

आधुनिक समयमा काठपातबाट मात्रै झ्याल ढोका निर्माण हुन्छ भन्ने मानसिकता हटाउनु पर्छ । पहिलो कुरा त अधिक काठपातको प्रयोगले वातावरणीय असन्तुलन कायम हुने विज्ञहरुको भनाइ छ ।

वैकल्पिक उपायको रुपमा रहेको युपिभिसीको लाइफ ग्यारेन्टी हुन्छ । तर काठका झ्याल ढोकामा ४\५ वर्ष पछि नै किरा लाग्ने सम्भावना धेरै हुन्छ । काठका उत्पादन पसाङ्गिन पनि सक्छ ।

त्यस्तै काठमा विशेष गरी रङरोगन तथा डिजाइनमा समय लाग्छ । तर, युपिभिसीमा न किरा लाग्ने डर हुन्छ, न पसाङ्गिने डर ।


त्यस्तै युपिभिसीलाई एकपटक प्रयोग गरेपछि मेन्टिनेन्स गरिरहनु पर्ने झन्झट हुँदैन । रङ्रोगनको भन्झटबाट पनि मुक्त हुने हुदाँ त्यसको प्रयोग बढ्दै गएको व्यवसायीहरु बताउँछन् । युपिभिसीका उत्पादनलाई डिजाइन गर्न धेरै समय लाग्दैन ।

क्षमादेवी ग्रुपका अध्यक्ष तथा युपिभिसी उत्पादक राजकुमार बस्नेतका अनुसार अर्डर गरेको एक देखि दुई हप्ता भित्र युपिभिसीका झ्याल, ढोका तथा खापा तयार हुने गर्छ । त्यस्तै फिट गर्न तथा डिजाइन तयार गर्न पनि समय नलाग्ने अध्यक्ष बस्नेतले बताए ।

काठ भन्दा ६० प्रतिशत सस्तो

युपिभिसी डोर्स, झ्याल तथा खापाहरु काठका उत्पादन भन्दा ६० प्रतिशतले सस्तो पर्छ । अहिले काठको १५ सय देखि दुइ हजार रुपियाँ प्रति स्वायर फिट पर्छ तर युपिभिसीको डिजाइन अनुसार ५ सय देखि ७ सयसम्म प्रति स्वायर फिट पर्ने गर्छ ।

तयार गर्न समय लाग्ने र डिजाइन तथा रङ्रोगनमा धेरै समय खपत हुन्छ । अझ काठको उत्पादन तयार गर्न धेरै प्रक्रिया पूरा गर्नुपर्ने भएकाले पनि काठका उत्पादन महङ्गो हुने गरेको हो ।

भुकम्प प्रतिरोधी

युपिभिसीका उत्पादनलाई भुकम्प प्रतिरोधी मानिन्छ । प्राधिकका अनुसार युपिभिसीको बाक्लोपन उच्च भुकम्प प्रतिरोधी हुन्छ । युपिभिसीको भित्रिभागमा फलामे डण्डीको समेत प्रयोग गरिएको हुन्छ ।

आगलागीबाट मुक्ति

प्लाष्टिकबाट बनेको भन्ने बित्तिकै हामी आगोलागी भैहाल्छ भन्ने आममानिसको बुझाइ छ । तर, युपिभिसीको झ्याल तथा ढोकामा आगलागी हुने कुनै सम्भावना नै रहदैन ।

‘युपिभिसीमा प्लास्टिकको जल्ने भाग पहिल्यै रिफाईन गरिएको हुन्छ’ युपिभिसी प्राविधिक रुवेश घोरासाइने भन्छन्, ‘आगो लागि भै हाल्यो भने पनि युपिभिसीका झ्यालढोका डल्लो पर्छ,तर आगो भने सल्किन्न ।’

Source: nirmansanchar

October 20, 2017 |

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