Pipe and pipe fittings suppliers and Manufecturers in Nepal
New Abhisek Trading
Location: samasukhi chok,Kathmandu
Deals in:Whole seller of :Cements & Iron Bar,Galvanised sheets,Welding Rod,& Angel Patti,
Far Estern Trading Company
Location: Tinkune,Subidanagar,Kathmandu
Deals in:whole sale for:Cements ,Iro Rod,steel Pipes,Tubewell Pipes-
Showrooms:Bafal:Tel 4277780,4271348,Jadibuti Tel;6636113
Bicky Hardware House p.ltd
Nepals one of the biggest constructions Materials suppliers having many show rooms
Dealer For :Cement,iron bar,Galvanised sheet,pipes,Angel,Nutbolts...
Koteswor Dandi Pasal
Location : Koteswor,Kathmandu Tel:4992176,4992210,2020188
Deals in:Toor steels,indian cements,Angle,patti,black pipe & galvanised pipes
Kantipur hardwares & Suppliers
Location : Sanepa ,ringroad ,Kathmandu Tel:5555259,5547630 Cell:9849605168,9841392780
Deals in:TMT Rods, steels,& cements,Angle,patti,black pipe & galvanised sheets,GI wires,Black sheets
Door Fittings

Amrita Traders
Loaction ;Basundhara,Kathmandu
contact:Tel 4365175,9841486070
Deals in:Exclusive Door Fittings
Hardwares items & Pipe & Fittings Suppliers

Bhattrai Hardware Center
Location : Pepsicola ,Town Planning ,Opp. sunrise Bank ,Kathmandu Tel:9841715264,9849489164
Deals in: Paints,All kinds bathwares & fittings,sanitaryware & tiles,pipes & Fittings,Water Pumps,with Suppling plumbers & painters
Udar Enterprises
Location : Bhanimandap,Ring Road Tel:5525227,9841226196
Deals in: Paints,Paints, bathwares fittings,tiles,pipes & Fittings,cp fittings,,Water Pumps,,water Tanks,with Suppling plumbers & painters
S.B.S Plumber Service
Location : Kalanki,Khadkagaun ,Tel :5218521,9851031920,9849186636,9808821045
Deals in: Paints,All kinds bathwares & Fittings CP fittings ,pipes & Fittings,All branded tiles,Water Pumps,Tank ,with Suppling plumbers
Khusi Khusi Sanitaryware
Location : Sanepa,Kathmandu Tel;9841632964,9843174032
Deals in: Paints,All kinds bathwares & Fittings ,pipes & Fittings,All branded tiles,Water Pumps,with Suppling plumbers
Super Enterprises
Location : Satdobato,Talchikhel,LalitpurTel;9741041581,9818426982
Deals in: alasiyan Carnings,paris,wall putty,gypsum board,& fittings for furnishings & carnings by expert
Maa Saraswati Trade concern
Deals in:Pipe & Pipes fittings,C.P fittings,door fittings,bathroom fittings,wall/floor tiles,& water pump
Roofings Suppliers

Apurva international
Location ; Teku,Kathmandu Tel:4264706,4248537,4261617
Deals in:Upvc roofings & Paints
Bicky Hardware House p.ltd
Nepals one of the biggest constructions Materials suppliers having many show rooms
Dealer For :Cement,iron bar,Galvanised sheet,pipes,Angel,Nutbolts...
New Sapkota Enterprises
Location : Jorpati,Narayantar Tel:4911185,Cell:9851062201,9841617650
Deals in :Pipes & pipes fittings ,Water pump,Machinery parts,door fittings,water tanks
Roof Fan/Nut Bolts
Balaji & Trading
Deals in: Constructions equipments,Roof fan,Nutbolts ,Fasteners
Contact Address:Tripureswor,Kathmandu Cell:9851185162,9812025108
Nut Bolts

shree jor Ganesh Hardware
Location ; teku Road,Kathmandu Tel;4260215,Email;shreeja.shrestha1@gmail.com
Deals in:High quality nut bolts,& fibre glass in all sizes