Price of constructions Materials:


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November 27, 2017 |

10 thoughts on “Price of constructions Materials:

  1. Tirtha raj pandit says:

    I need re-bar and alumunium windows too. can u give me urs contact no pls

  2. rabin Bhattarai says:

    price of terai brick to be available at Nayathimi, Bhaktapur and price of OPC and PPC cements

  3. nepalconstructions says:

    Sir, kindly elaborate your requirements

  4. person says:

    please provide latest price of brick, steel rod, cement, marble, tiles

  5. Kishor says:

    I want know rate list of construction materials

  6. Pasang kazi sherpa says:

    67 lakhs for 2.5 storey building, could you plz show me the design and do you finish everything in 2.5 story building. Plz elaborate me thank you
    I will see you soon if I find ok.

  7. Ashish Moktan says:

    How much will it cost to construct a 900 sq ft house in total at average interior finishing? How much materials are required for it ( bricks, cement, sand, iron re-ber in kg, aggregates etc)??
    please help me if anyone can calculate it or tell me how to calculate?

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