Use led Free Paints


Construction and development works today needs to be sustainable as well environment friendly and human friendly.  The field of construction determines to what extent is construction human friendly as well as environment friendly. Taking this thing mainly into consideration, steel business federation had once organized a workshop seminar.

Lead causes negative impacts in intellectual development of children and also impacts their respiration process. Lead exposure is responsible for death of 143000 children and intellectual disability of 6 million children per year. It causes severe health problems and especially impacts bones. Furthermore, excessive lead exposure causes menstrual problems and miscarriage in women and brings high blood pressure, impotency and kidney problems in men as per the joint program of Public Health and Environmental Promotion Centers and Kyurpak. In the program, issues regarding the harmful effects of paints containing leads beyond the acceptable limit were discussed.

62 countries in world has been successful to set and follow the parameter for paint, but Nepal still lags behind in seeking information regarding the matter. On Poush 7, 2071, Government had set the parameter for paint by publishing information in gazette. Despite Nepal Government has set the parameter for paint, the parameter is not successfully implemented yet. If the parameters are not effectively implemented soon, then Nepal has to face severe damage to workers, consumers and environment.

There is no negative impact of using lead free paint on investment and profit in paint business. People involved in paint business should know that the cost of using lead free paint is lower than the cost of environmental damage. So, it’s important that all stakeholders get committed to an objective of using lead-free paints.

October 21, 2017 |

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