UPVC: Door, Window & Partitions:

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UPVC: Door, Window & Partitions:





Find Best Upvc door,window,Partition .roofings  Fabricators


UPVC (Un-plasticized polyvinyl chloride) Door and Window is mainly used in the replacement for wood in construction.

This technology meets the higher demands of inhabitant comfort as it is durable with minimal expansion and contraction, provides superior insulation from outside heat, are self extinguishing and do not propagate fire. It is the material of choice for achieving both economic and environmental balance.

Throughout the globe, for more than 30 years, UPVC has become one of the most used materials. From the deserts of Arizona to the coldest parts of Scandinavia, this technology has been serving successfully. This material also has been proved to be useful in extreme hot conditions of the gulf.

With the UPVC windows and doors market share growing faster than any other new product in Australia, and its market being established in global scenario, builders from Nepal are also increasingly using and preferring this materials.

Kshamadevi building materials is the authorized dealer of CONCH brand UPVC materials being manufactured and traded by China Anhui Conch Group and Wuhu Conch Profiles and Science Co. Ltd. With the experience of more than 6-7 decades in this industry, these companies have the production capacity of 60 million tons and are currently serving all over China and are exported to numerous countries like United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia.

Specification of UPVC Profile

Sliding and Casement Window
SN Profile Size Remarks
1 Sliding Window/ Door Frame 88 x 52 Color White
2 Sliding Window Sash 57 x 42 Color White
3 Sliding Door Sash 80 x 37 Color White
4 Casement Window Frame 60 x 60 Color White
5 Casement Window Sash 78 x 60 Color White
6 Casement Window Mullion 72 x 60 Color White
4 Iron 1.5mm


Hinge Door
SN Profile Size Remarks
1 Hinge Door Frame 60 x 60 Color White
2 Hinge Door Sash 104 x 60 Color White
3 Hinge Door Mullion 72 x 60 Color White
4 Door Panel 100 x 25 Color White

Glass: 5 mm Indian Glass

Insect Preventing Net: Nylon- Color Grey

Hardware: Patented Standard Hardware’s like Rollers, Gaskets, Brush seal, Moon locks, Normal locks, Door locks, Silicon, Pufoam, 100 mm Grip Screw etc with all necessary hardware’s.

Note: Casement Shutter available at extra charge of NRs 5000 only.




  • Perfect Insulation: keeps the cold out and the warmth in during winter and vice versa in the summer, ultimate in insulation, safe on   heating and cooling bills.
  • Highly hygienic: keeps dust, polling, wind and bacteria out while closed
  • Virtually no maintenance required
  • Superb safety with highly advanced multi point locking systems all around
  • Windows are made to size, excellent when replacing windows etc
  • Wood look alike with real feeling grain’
  • Modern UPVC is not affected by wind, dust particles, sun UV and other natural elements
  • Easy to clean
  • Easy operation
  • Integral lift rails, interlocks and weather-stripping pocket,
  • Environmently friendly
  • Cheap & Best

UPVC Roofings

The excellent quality of UPVC roofing sheet is ensured by using high-quality materials,high-tech durability formula,and the whole set of imported tri-ply co-extruded compound foamed equipment.

Key Features of UPVC Roofing Sheet:

  • Super heat and sound insulation.
  • Anti-corrosion.
  • Water-proof.
  • Easy to install.
    • Outstanding sound and heat insulation.
    • Acid and alkali resistance:Foam UPVC roof tile has extra anti-corrosion capacity.
    • Light weight: 4.0kg/m2, 5.0kg/m2, 6.0kg/m2.
    • 100% water resistance.
    • Fire resistance: B1 grade.
    • Excellent anti-impact capacity.
    • Weather resistant:the UV agent mixing in the corrugated sheet,which can truly resist the damage of ultraviolet ray.
    • Environment protection: it does not contain asbestos with no carcinogen released.
    • Beauty: UPVC roof tile has rich and bright colors,The regular colors are Black ,Red,White,Beige,Green,Blue,Grey,Brick Red.
    • Easy to drill,saw and install,available proportion is up to 95%.

आधुनिक समयमा काठपातबाट मात्रै झ्याल ढोका निर्माण हुन्छ भन्ने मानसिकता हटाउनु पर्छ । पहिलो कुरा त अधिक काठपातको प्रयोगले वातावरणीय असन्तुलन कायम हुने विज्ञहरुको भनाइ छ ।

वैकल्पिक उपायको रुपमा रहेको युपिभिसीको लाइफ ग्यारेन्टी हुन्छ । तर काठका झ्याल ढोकामा ४\५ वर्ष पछि नै किरा लाग्ने सम्भावना धेरै हुन्छ । काठका उत्पादन पसाङ्गिन पनि सक्छ ।

त्यस्तै काठमा विशेष गरी रङरोगन तथा डिजाइनमा समय लाग्छ । तर, युपिभिसीमा न किरा लाग्ने डर हुन्छ, न पसाङ्गिने डर ।


त्यस्तै युपिभिसीलाई एकपटक प्रयोग गरेपछि मेन्टिनेन्स गरिरहनु पर्ने झन्झट हुँदैन । रङ्रोगनको भन्झटबाट पनि मुक्त हुने हुदाँ त्यसको प्रयोग बढ्दै गएको व्यवसायीहरु बताउँछन् । युपिभिसीका उत्पादनलाई डिजाइन गर्न धेरै समय लाग्दैन ।

क्षमादेवी ग्रुपका अध्यक्ष तथा युपिभिसी उत्पादक राजकुमार बस्नेतका अनुसार अर्डर गरेको एक देखि दुई हप्ता भित्र युपिभिसीका झ्याल, ढोका तथा खापा तयार हुने गर्छ । त्यस्तै फिट गर्न तथा डिजाइन तयार गर्न पनि समय नलाग्ने अध्यक्ष बस्नेतले बताए ।

काठ भन्दा ६० प्रतिशत सस्तो

युपिभिसी डोर्स, झ्याल तथा खापाहरु काठका उत्पादन भन्दा ६० प्रतिशतले सस्तो पर्छ । अहिले काठको १५ सय देखि दुइ हजार रुपियाँ प्रति स्वायर फिट पर्छ तर युपिभिसीको डिजाइन अनुसार ५ सय देखि ७ सयसम्म प्रति स्वायर फिट पर्ने गर्छ ।

तयार गर्न समय लाग्ने र डिजाइन तथा रङ्रोगनमा धेरै समय खपत हुन्छ । अझ काठको उत्पादन तयार गर्न धेरै प्रक्रिया पूरा गर्नुपर्ने भएकाले पनि काठका उत्पादन महङ्गो हुने गरेको हो ।

भुकम्प प्रतिरोधी

युपिभिसीका उत्पादनलाई भुकम्प प्रतिरोधी मानिन्छ । प्राधिकका अनुसार युपिभिसीको बाक्लोपन उच्च भुकम्प प्रतिरोधी हुन्छ । युपिभिसीको भित्रिभागमा फलामे डण्डीको समेत प्रयोग गरिएको हुन्छ ।

आगलागीबाट मुक्ति

प्लाष्टिकबाट बनेको भन्ने बित्तिकै हामी आगोलागी भैहाल्छ भन्ने आममानिसको बुझाइ छ । तर, युपिभिसीको झ्याल तथा ढोकामा आगलागी हुने कुनै सम्भावना नै रहदैन ।

‘युपिभिसीमा प्लास्टिकको जल्ने भाग पहिल्यै रिफाईन गरिएको हुन्छ’ युपिभिसी प्राविधिक रुवेश घोरासाइने भन्छन्, ‘आगो लागि भै हाल्यो भने पनि युपिभिसीका झ्यालढोका डल्लो पर्छ,तर आगो भने सल्किन्न ।’

Source: nirmansanchar

October 20, 2017 |

Alumunium Door, Window & Pannel : Best in Look

Alumunium works





Hilights & Benifits

-It is cheaper than wood & best in look

-High strengh-to weight ratio

-easy compenent joining

-Highly resistant to corrossin


Non-magnetic.Non Toxic,& reflective

-Eletric Conductor

-Unhealthy Compition makes low in quality

-Price is doubled after earthquake

-Price is calculated in sq feet according to quality & thickness

-It is avaible in wide variety of colour,design & shape

-70% is chinese product

-Minimum Maintance cost

Difficult to find best fabricators: so,Click BEST FABRICATORS

“The demand for aluminium doors and windows has increased by 100 per cent after the earthquake,” said Madan Manandhar, Managing Director at Nu-Tech Pvt Ltd.  “Earlier demand was from urban areas only. But now the demand is spreaded  in rural areas too after the earthquake,” he added.

Aluminum windows and doors are made in wide variety of colour, styles and designs. Windows are available in sliding, casement, structural lazing, bay and arch models while doors can be either swing, hinge, sliding or bi-folding. In the market, one can get Chinese aluminium that costs from Rs 300 to Rs 800 per sq ft depending upon quality and thickness of less than 1mm to 3mm.

“Less than 1mm thickness is not suitable for construction purpose. However, there are many traders selling less than 1mm thick-ness products at low prices,” said Manandhar.  Citing that there is unhealthy competition among players, he said, “As people these days are more price sensitive than quality, traders import low grade aluminium which bends, gets smashed and comes with feeble locks.”


For aluminium windows and doors, plain glass is preferred instead of black ones. According to him, 90 per cent of customers buy aluminium for doors and windows while 10 per cent for partitioning purposes. Reportedly, business houses prefer structural glazed windows and swing doors, whereas sliding windows and hinge doors are more popular for residencies.

“Previously wood was the first choice for doors and windows. Owing to high cost, the use of wood is fast depleting and people have shifted to aluminium,” informed Anu Rajbanshi, Sales and Marketing Manager at Skylight, which imports Technal products from France and Thai products from Thailand. She said that their products are preferred for both residential as well as commercial buildings.

According to her, Skylight assures its product to be light, tough, weatherproof, dust proof, corrosion resistant and with a high strength to weight ratio. She informed that they have a wide range of products to match customers’ choice. She said, “Unlike wooden windows and doors, aluminium does not fade, matches with style and design of building, requires less maintenance and paint jobs.”

The price of Thai aluminium is between Rs 1,000 to Rs 1,500 per sq ft while it costs Rs 2,500 to Rs 3,500 per sq ft for Technal products. “Our products are costlier than other Chinese products but is worth it for quality, durability and design,” she said, adding that they provide good after sales service. Skylight has aluminium of 1.5mm to 3mm thickness.

“The demand for aluminium is increasing in the market,” said Amir Thapa, Proprietor at Royal Construction Sewa, adding, “Unhealthy competition has become a big challenge to the business.” He said that due to unhealthy competition, the rate of products vary from trader to trader. Citing that they trade Chinese products, he said, “More than 70 per cent of the market is enjoyed by Chinese products while the rest is from Thailand, India, France and other countries.” According to him, installation of aluminium doors and windows are hassle free and can be completed in a short period of time depending upon project

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वार्षिक २२ अर्बको कारोबार गर्ने आल्मुनियम क्षेत्रका बारेमा राज्य बेखबर’


 नेपालीको बदलिंदो जीवनशैली सँगै बानी, व्यवहार र आहार विहारमा समेत परिवर्तन आएको छ ।२०४६ सालको राजनैतिक परिवर्तन र नेपालले अपनाएको उदारीकरणका कारण पनि अहिले नेपाली बजारमा विभिन्न किसिमका निर्माण सामाग्री भित्रिने क्रम बढ्दो छ ।

अझ पछिल्लो घटना ०७२ सालको वैशाख १२ को भूकम्पले त झन निर्माण समाग्री र यसको गुणस्तरका विषयमा विभिन्न बहस अझ तीब्र बन्दै गएको छ ।

नेपाली जनता सुरक्षित घर र बलियो घरमा बस्न चाहन्छन् । घर बलियो हुनका लागि त्यसमा प्रयोग गरिने निर्माण सामाग्री गुणस्तरयुक्त र काम गर्ने कामदार पनि तालिमप्राप्त हुन अत्यन्तै जरुरी छ तबमात्र हाम्रो घर सुरक्षित र बलियो बन्न सक्छ ।

बजारमा विभिन्न किसिमका निर्माण सामाग्री पाइन्छन् । ती निर्माण सामाग्रीको पनि गुणस्तर कस्तो छ भन्ने विषयमा अब उपभोक्ता सचेत बन्नै पर्छ ।

यसै प्रसंगमा नेपालमा आल्मुनियम व्यवसाय, यसका चुनौती र अल्फानको गतिविधिका बारेमा आल्मुनियम तथा फेब्रिकेटर्स एसोसियसनका अध्यक्ष तेज राईसँग कुराकानीको अंश-

कस्तो छ अहिले आल्मुनियमको माग ?

समयको परिवर्तन सँगै अहिले नेपालमा आल्मुनियमको माग पनि दिनानुदिन बढ्दै गएको छ । विशेष गरेर शहरी क्षेत्रमा आल्मुनियम बढी रुचाइएको हामीले पाएका छौं ।

हिजोआज प्राय घरहरु तथा कर्पोरेट अफिसमा आल्मुनियमको प्रयोग बढ्दै गएको छ । यसले दिनप्रति दिन उपभोक्तामा आल्मुनियमको माग बढ्दै गएको छ भन्न सकिन्छ ।

आल्मुनियममा पनि त फरक फरक गुणस्तर होला । गुणस्तर अनुसार मूल्य पनि त फरक होला नि ?

हो, अन्य सामाग्रीमा झैं आल्मुनियममा पनि विभिन्न गुणस्तर छ । यसमा विशेषतः आल्मुनियमको थिकनेस हेरिन्छ ।

अहिले बजारमा १ एमएम भन्दा पनि न्यून गुणस्तरका आल्मुनियम पनि भित्रिएका छन् । त्यसैले हामीले उपभोक्ताको हितलाई ध्यानमा राखेर सरकार र नीजि क्षेत्रबाट कसरी सहकार्य गर्न सकिन्छ र उपभोक्तालाई गुणस्तरीय आल्मुनियम दिन सकिन्छ भनेर लागिरहेका छौं ।

कम्तीमा पनि १.२ एमएम भन्दा कम गुणस्तरका आल्मुनियम प्रयोगमा ल्याउँदा आफ्नो लगानी सुरक्षित नहुने र ती सामाग्रीले सुरक्षित आवासमा टेवा नपुुग्ने हुँदा सबै उपभोक्ताले कस्तो आल्मुनियम किन्दै छु भनेर जानकारी राख्नुपर्ने हुन्छ ।

बजारमा विभिन्न खालका व्यवसायीहरु छन् । सबैले आफ्नो सामान राम्रै भनेका हुन्छन् त्यसको ग्योरन्टी लिने निकाय कुन हो त ?

अन्य क्षेत्रमा जस्तै यो क्षेत्रमा पनि अस्वस्थ प्रतिस्पर्धा बढ्दै गएको छ । अझ भन्ने हो भने त यो क्षेत्र नयाँ भएकाले उपभोक्तालाई पनि त्यति जानकारी छैन ।

त्यसैले म यो तपाईंको सम्मानित मिडियाबाट सम्पूर्ण उपभोक्तालाई तपाईंले काम गर्न लाग्नुभएको व्यवसायी अल्फानमा आवद्ध हुनुहुन्छ कि हुनुहुन्न सोध्न आग्रह गर्न चाहन्छु ।

अल्फानमा आवद्ध व्यवसायीले न्यून गुणस्तरको आल्मुनियम विक्री वितरण गरेको रै’छ भने अल्फानले ती व्यवसायीलाई कारबाही गर्छ र उपभोक्तालाई ठगिनबाट बचाउँछ ।

त्यसो त धेरै व्यवसायीले दर्ता विना नै पनि काम गरिरहेका छन् नि ?

हो, हामीले पनि पाएका छौं त्यस्ता व्यवसायी साथीहरु । दर्ता गर्ने प्रक्रियाका बारेमा व्यवसायीलाई राम्रो ज्ञान नभएको कारणले पनि यस्तो हुन गएको हो ।

हामीले हाम्रो सम्पर्कमा आएका व्यवसायीलाई दर्ता तथा कर प्रक्रियाका बारेमा जानकारी दिँदै आएका छौं ।

कुनै नयाँ व्यवसायी अल्फानमा आवद्ध हुन चाहेमा के गर्नुपर्छ त ?

अल्फानमा फेब्रिकेसन गरेर हिँड्ने कम्पनी मात्र सदस्य बन्न पाउने प्रावधान छ । त्यसैले फेब्रिकेसनमा लागेका साथीहरुलाई अल्फानमा स्वागत छ ।

सबैभन्दा पहिला त सम्बन्धित कम्पनीले कानुनी अधिकार पाएको हुनुपर्छ अर्थात् कम्पनी दर्ता भएको हुनुपर्छ । त्यस्तै कम्पनीले प्यानको माध्यमबाट कारोबार गरेको हुनुपर्छ ।

अल्फानले सदस्यका लागि न्यूनतम रकम तोकेको छ । दर्ताका कागपत्रसँगै १६०० रुपियाँ तिरेर वार्षिक सदस्य बन्न सकिन्छ र व्यवसायीक सुरक्षाका बारेमा जानकारी लिँदै अघि बढ्न सकिन्छ ।

अन्त्यमा उपभोक्तालाई केही भन्नु छ कि ?

आल्मुनियमको खरिद गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ वा घर बनाउँदै हुनुहुन्छ भने तपाईले एक पल्ट आल्मुनियमका बारेमा राम्ररी बुझ्नु होला । जसले तपाईंको लगानी खेर जानबाट बचाउँछ । कम्तीमा पनि १.२ एमएमभन्दा कम गुणस्तरका आल्मुनियम प्रयोग नगर्नुहोला



सायको न कुनै सिमा हुन्छ न सीमित ठाउँमै अडिनुपर्छ व्यवसाय । लगान र मिहेनत गर्ने हो भने हरेक व्यवसाय सफल हुन्छन् । कविकृष्ण अमात्य त्यसका उदाहरण हुन् ।

पछिल्ला ५ वर्ष रेन्बो ग्रुपमा रहेर काम गरेका अमात्यले नेपालमा आल्मुनियम व्यवसायको अवस्थाबारे राम्रैसँग बुझ्न पाए । सोही ग्रुप अन्तर्गत काठमाडौं आल्मुनियम हाउस प्रालिका निर्देशक रहेका अमात्य भन्छन्, ‘नेपालमा आल्मुनियम व्यवसाय फस्टाउँदो अवस्थामा छ ।’

आल्मुनियमको उपयोगी गुणहरु बढी छन्, काठ भन्दा कम मूल्यमा र स्तरीय साथै हल्का हुनाले पनि प्रयोगकर्ताहरु आकर्षित छन् 

हुन पनि प्रयोगमा सरल, काठ भन्दा किफायती र सस्तो तथा रङ–रोगन र किरा लाग्ने समस्या नपर्ने हुँदा आल्मुनियमका प्रयोगकर्ता बढ्दो छन् । पछिल्ला दिनहरुमा आल्मुनियम प्रति मानिसहरुको झुकाव पनि बढेको देखिन्छ ।

यसको उपयोगी गुणहरु बढी छन्, काठ भन्दा कम मूल्यमा र स्तरीय साथै हल्का हुनाले पनि प्रयोगकर्ताहरु आकर्षित छन् ।

गतवर्ष लालितपुर स्थित ग्वार्खोबाट राजधानीमा सेवा सञ्चालन गरेको यस हाउसबाट अमात्यले व्यावसायलाई फराकिलो बनाउँदै गएका छन् ।

हिजोआज बजारमा न्यूनगुणस्तरीय आल्मुनियमको बिगबिगीबढेपछि, उपभोक्ता ठगिएका त छँदैछन्, गुणस्तरीय आल्मुनियमका बिक्रेताको व्यवसायमा समेत असर परेको आल्मुनियम व्यवसायीको चिन्ता छ ।

नेपालमा आल्मुनियमको पनि मापदण्ड तोकिनु पर्ने माग सहित आल्मुनियम व्यवसायी संघ (अल्फान) यतिबेला संगठित रुपमा काम गरिरहेको छ ।

अल्फानसँग समेत निकट रहेको काठमाडौं आल्मुनियमका निर्देशक अमात्य आल्मुनिमको गुणस्रतीयताबारे भन्छन्, ‘नेपालमा अहिलेसम्म कति मोटाइको आल्मुनियम प्रयोग गर्ने भन्नेबारे सरकारले समेत मापदण्ड निर्धारण गरेको पाइएन ।

तर अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय स्तरले हेर्ने हो भने पनि न्यूनतम १.२ देखि १.५ सम्म मोटाइ(मिलिमिटर) भएको आल्मुनियमको प्रयोग हुने गरेको छ ।’

सरकार मापदण्ड निर्धारण र निमयन गर्ने कुरामा उदासीन देखिएको उपभोक्ताहरुको आवाज बढिरहेको छ । नेपाल गुणस्तर तथा नापतौल विभागका अधिकारीहरु नै आल्मुनिबारे नियमनकारी निकायको अभाव रहेको बताउँछन् ।

सरकारले सिमेन्ट र छडका विभिन्न प्रकारहरु बाहेक अन्य निर्माण सामग्रीको नियमन गराउने गरेको छैन । १५ वर्ष अघि आल्मुनियमबारे सामान्य परिभाषा तयार भएको आल्मुनियम व्यवसायी संघका अध्यक्ष तेज राईले बताए ।

पैसा त खर्च भयो भयो, कतै त सिसाले मानिसलाई पनि लाग्न सक्छ । चिसो, तातो जस्ता कुराहरु जसले मानवीय स्वास्थ्यमा पनि असर गर्छ, राम्रो ‘थिकनेस’ भएको आल्मुनियमको असर पनि सकारात्मक हुन्छ भन्ने बुझ्न जरुरी छ’

त्यो काममा नआएको उनको भनाइ छ । तर सरकारी निकायले भने निर्माण सामग्रीहरुका विभिन्न कोड नम्बर तयार गरेर मापदण्ड परिभाषित गरेको नापतौल विभागले बताए पनि समयक्रमसँगै गुणस्तर निर्धारण ‘अप–डेट’ गर्ने, र त्यसको प्रभावकारी रुपले नियमनगर्ने नगरेको हुँदा अन्य निर्माण सामग्री जस्तै आल्मुनियमको पनि मापदण्ड अनुशासन कमजोर रहेको विभागले स्वीकार गर्छ ।

तर नेपालमा आल्मुनियमको पनि मोटाइ अनुसारको उपयोगिता हुन्छ र ! यसको पनि गुणस्तरीयता हुन्छ र भन्ने जस्तो कमजोर बुझाइले गर्दा मानिसहरु ‘सस्तो बेसाई पेट लागी मर’ भन्ने उखान जस्तै सिकार बन्ने गरेको गुणस्तरका पारखी बताउँछन् । ‘हो आल्मुनियमको पनि गुणस्तर हुन्छ ।

यसको मोटाइ राम्रो छनोट गर्नेले गुणस्तरीय लाभ लिन्छ, सस्तो खोज्नेले चार पाँच पटकसम्म मर्मत र नयाँ प्रयोग गरेर अनावश्यक खर्च गरिरहेका हुन्छन् ।

किनकि सस्तोका कारण एकै पटक हुने काम ३/३ पटकसम्म खर्च गर्नेमा उपभोक्ता परेको मैले देखेको छु,’ भन्छन् काठमाडौं आल्मुनियमका निर्देशक अमात्य । गुणस्तरीय आल्मुनियमबारे उद्यमी अमात्यआफैले ग्राहकहरुलाई सम्झाउने गरेका छन् । ताकि मानिसहरु नठगियून् ।

निर्माण सञ्चारसँगको कुराकानीमा अमात्य भन्छन्, ‘त्यसैले म आफै ग्राहकलाई राम्रो भनेको यस्तो हुन्छ, गुणस्तरीय आल्मुनियम यसरी चिन्नु पर्छ, प्रयोग गर्दा पनि यसरी गर्नु पर्छ भनेर पुरै सिकाएर पठाउँछु, त्यस पछि उहाँहरु मसँग सन्तुष्ट भएको पनि मैले पाएको छु ।’

ती उपभोक्ताहरु जो सस्तो खोज्छन्, अहिलेको सस्तो तर पछि पछि महँगो मूल्य चुकाउनु पर्ने ठाउँमा पुगेको उनको भनाइ छ । कसरी भने, ‘घरमा सुरक्षा र स्वास्थ्यको पनि कुरा जोडिन्छ । सस्तो राख्नेहरुको सिसा चाँडै फुट्ने र फेरि अर्काे फेर्न पर्ने ठाउँमा पुग्छन् ।

पैसा त खर्च भयो भयो, कतै त सिसाले मानिसलाई पनि लाग्न सक्छ । चिसो, तातो जस्ता कुराहरु जसले मानवीय स्वास्थ्यमा पनि असर गर्छ, राम्रो ‘थिकनेस’ भएको आल्मुनियमको असर पनि सकारात्मक हुन्छ भन्ने बुझ्न जरुरी छ ।’

बजार बिक्रीबारे राज्यलेनियम त बनाएको छ, तर चीनबाट आयत गर्दा नै न्यून गुणस्तरका सामानहरु नेपाल आउने गरेको व्यवसायीहरु बताउँछन् । निर्देशक अमात्य भन्छन्, ‘नेपाल भित्रने बेलामै जाँचचेक गरिनुपर्छ । न्यूनगुणस्तरको भए जफत गर्ने गर्न राज्य पछि हट्नु हुन्न ।’

आल्मुनियम क्षेत्रमा नियामक निकायले परिभाषित गरेको १५ वर्ष बितिसकेको छ । तर नियमन गर्ने गरेको छैन 


सस्तो मालको माग बजारमा बढेपछि कतिपय व्यवसायी विदेशबाट आयात गर्दा पनि सस्तो अर्थात् कम मोटाइका आल्मुनियम भित्राइरहेका पनि छन् । बजारमा आल्मुनियमको भाउ पनि एकनास छैन ।

सरकारले न गुणस्तरमा ध्यान दिएको छ न त रेट निर्धारणमा कुनै अग्रसरता देखाएको सरोकारवाला बताउँछन् । त्यस्तो अवस्थामा तपाईहरुले कसरी मूल्य निर्धारण गर्नुभएको छ भन्ने प्रश्नमा अमात्यले भन्छन्, ‘खरिद मूल्य, भन्सार, भ्याट, ढुवानी जस्ता खर्च कटाएरै हामीले न्यूनतम मूल्य निर्धारण गर्ने गरेका छौं ।’ तर अमात्य बजारमा चल्दो र सबैलाई मान्य हुने रेटले आफ्ना ग्राहक सन्तुष्ट रहेको दाबी गर्छन् ।

‘सबै भन्दा ठुलो कुरा हाम्रा ग्राहक एकपटक खरिद गरिसकेपछि दोस्रो पटक पनि आएका छन्,’ उनी भन्छन् । उनी थप्छन्, ‘कमजोर आर्थिक हुनेलाई पातलो पनि प्रयोग गर्नुको बाध्यता एकातिर छ भने अर्कोतिर सबैले महङ्गो आल्मुनियम प्रयोग पनि गर्न सक्ने अवस्था नेपालमा मैले देखेको छैन ।’

आल्मुनियम महँगो हुनाको कारण बारे उनको भनाइ छ— ‘हामीले चीनबाट ढुवानी गर्नुपर्छ । आयात गर्दा धेरै चुनौतीको सामाना गर्नुपर्छ । अर्डर गरेको ४५ दिनपछि सामान आउने हुँदा लागत बढिरहेको हुन्छ ।’

भूकम्प पछि चीनसँग जोडिएका नाकाहरु खोल्ने प्रयत्न सरकारले नगर्नु, एक देशिस निर्भरता तोड्दै चीनसँग पनि व्यापार विविधीकरण गर्नु पर्ने जमानामा सरकारले चीनसँग भएको पारवाहन सम्झौता समेत अनुमोदन नगरेपछि नेपालको भारत बाहेकका तेस्रो मुलुकसँग हुने सहज व्यापार पनि रोकिएको छ ।

जसले गर्दा बजार विविधीकरण हुन सकेको छैन ।

सस्तो आल्मुनियमको माग- कसरी हुने सचेत ?

भूकम्पका कारण पनि नेपालमा आल्मुनियम प्रयोग ह्वात्तै बढेको छ । बजारमा फेब्रिकेटर्सहरु बढेका छन् । बजारमा न्यून गुणस्तरकै आल्मुनियमको माग भएपछि आफ्ना प्रयोग कर्ताबाट पनिसस्तो आल्मुनियम बढी माग गरेको अमात्यको भनाइ छ ।

अमात्य भन्छन्, ‘त्यो उनीहरुको बाध्यता पनि हो । कित व्यवसाय बन्द गर्नुपर्यो कि सस्तै आल्मुनियम प्रयोग गर्नु पर्यो । आल्मुनियमको गुणस्तरलाई नचिन्ने र सस्तो रेट खोज्ने उपभोक्ता नघटेसम्म कमसाल सामानको खपत नघट्ने अमात्यको दाबी छ ।


उपभोक्तामा सचेतानाको कमीले सस्तो र न्यून गुणस्तरको आल्मुनियम प्रयोग बढेको उनको भनाइ छ । उनी सुझाव दिन्छन्, ‘उपभोक्ता आफै सचेत हुनुपर्यो । सस्तो आल्मुनिय प्रयोग गरेर सुरक्षा दिने घरलाई असुरक्षित पार्नुहुन्न ।

सिसा जस्तो धारिलो चिज च्याप्ने आल्मुनियम न्युन गुणस्तरको भैदियो भने कसरी तपाईको घर सुरक्षित हुन्छ ? त्यस्तै झ्यालमा प्रयोग गरिएको कमजोर आल्मुनियमले हावाको चाप थेग्न नसक्ने र असुरक्षित नै हुन्छ ।’ एक पटक प्रयोग भएपछि त्यसको क्वालिटी पत्ता नलग्ने हुँदा प्रयोग अगावै गुणस्तरबारे ध्यान दिन अमात्यको सुझाव छ ।

काठमाडौं आल्मुनियम हाउसले कस्तो क्वालिटीको आल्मुनियम विक्री वितरण गर्दै आएको छ ? भन्ने प्रश्नमा उनको जवाफ छ, ‘हामीले आफ्नो स्ट्यान्डर्डमा समान आयत गर्ने गरेका छौं । रेन्बो स्टिकर भएको हाम्रो कम्पनीको आल्मुनियम प्रति सबै ग्राहक खुसी र सन्तुष्ट छन् । क्वालिटीमा हाम्रो कुनै सम्झौता हुन्न । रेटमा न्यून मुनाफा राखेका छौं ।’

‘त्यति मात्रै हैन’ उनी जोड्छन्, ‘हाम्रा साखाहरु महेन्द्रनगर, पोखरा, भैरहवा, बुटवलमा पनी त्यही गुणस्तरका सामाग्री आयात तथा विक्री गर्ने गरेका छौं । र, देशभर रेन्बो स्टिकरका आल्मुनियम पुर्याउने लक्ष्य छ ।’ कर छलीलाई राज्यले नियन्त्रण गर्न सकेको छैन ।

सिसा जस्तो धारिलो चिज च्याप्ने आल्मुनियम न्युन गुणस्तरको भैदियो भने कसरी तपाईको घर सुरक्षित हुन्छ ? त्यस्तै झ्यालमा प्रयोग गरिएको कमजोर आल्मुनियमले हावाको चाप थेग्न नसक्ने र असुरक्षित नै हुन्छ ।’ एक पटक प्रयोग भएपछि त्यसको क्वालिटी पत्ता नलग्ने हुँदा प्रयोग अगावै गुणस्तरबारे ध्यान दिन अमात्यको सुझाव छ

तपाईहरुले कसरी कारोबार गर्नुभएको छ भन्ने प्रश्नमा अमात्य भन्छन्, ‘साँचै राज्यलाई कर नतिर्ने हो भने राज्य पनि रहन्न । हामीले एलसीबाटै काम गर्ने हुदाँ कर छलीको त सम्भावना नै छैन । भ्याट काट्छौं, नत्र स्टक बढी देखिन्छ । हामी पारदर्शी छौं ।’

आल्मुनिय कम्पोजिट प्यानल बोर्डमा सचेत बन्नुुस्

दीर्घकालीन प्रयोगमा ध्यान दिनुस् ठुल्ठुला महल, घर तथा कर्पोरेट भवनका बाहिर आल्मुनियम कम्पोजिट प्यानल बोर्ड प्रयोगको क्रम बढ्दो छ । तर, गुणस्तरीय कम्पोजिट प्यानल भने न्यून मात्रामा छ । भौतिक संरचनाको सबै भन्दा अग्रभागमा रहने कम्पोजिट प्यानल नै गुणस्तरीय नहुदाँ करोडौं खर्च गरी संरचाना असुरक्षित बन्न सक्छ ।

अमात्य बजारका कम गुणस्तरका कम्पाजिट प्यानल भन्दा ‘अलस्टोन’ कम्पनीको प्यानल प्रयोग गर्न सुझाव गर्छन् । ‘अन्य कम्पनी भन्दा थोरै मङ्गो छ तर बलियो र सुरक्षित बनाउन अलस्टोन नै प्रयोग गर्नुस् ।’

कम्पोजिट भनेको के हो भन्ने पनि उपाभोक्तालाई थाहा नभएरअलस्टोनका सामग्रीबारे जानकारी नहुन सक्छ । उनका अनुसार कम्पोजिट भनेको भाटभटेनी सुपरमार्केट जस्ता ठुला व्यापारिक घरमा अगाडि पटिको गार्होमा टायल जस्तै टासिने गरी लगाइएको वस्तु नै कम्पोजिट हो ।

यसको प्रयोगबाट महँगो मूल्यमा पटक पटक पेन्ट गराइरहनु पर्ने झन्झट हुँदैन । भने रंगरोगनका लागि लगाइरहुन पर्ने अनावश्यक पैसा पनि बचत गर्छ । भवनहरु पनि आकर्षक देखिन्छन् भने टिकाउ पनि हुन्छन् । अल्स्टोनका यी सामान भने १० वर्षको ग्यारेन्टीमा बजारमा काठमाडौं आल्मुनियम हाउससँग छ ।

उनले भने, ‘हाम्रोमा ३२ करलको अलस्टोन प्यानल रहेका छन् । जुन गुणस्तरीय छन् ।’

रेट कस्तो छ ?

‘मैले अघि पनि भने अलस्टोन अन्य प्यानल भन्दा थोरै महङ्गो छ,’ उनी भन्छन्, ‘भोलुम ३१ र ३३ को रेट प्रतिस्क्वायर १ सय ७५ रुपियाँ छ भने भोलुम ९ र ३४ को प्रतिस्क्वायर २ सय ५० पर्छ । त्यस्तै अन्य २८ कलरको प्रति स्क्वायर १ सय ५० रुपियाँ पर्छ ।’

कम्पोजिट भनेको के हो भन्ने पनि उपाभोक्तालाई थाहा नभएरअलस्टोनका सामग्रीबारे जानकारी नहुन सक्छ । उनका अनुसार कम्पोजिट भनेको भाटभटेनी सुपरमार्केट जस्ता ठुला व्यापारिक घरमा अगाडि पटिको गार्होमा टायल जस्तै टासिने गरी लगाइएको वस्तु नै कम्पोजिट हो 

काम गराउँदा व्यवसायीक र दर्ता भएर काम गरेका फेब्रिकेटर्स कम्पनीलाई लगाउनु होला जसले तपाइंको घर सुरक्षित बनाउन सहयोग गर्नेछन् ।

source; nirmansanchar

October 20, 2017 |

Vastu tips for House constructions


Meaning for Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of harmony and prosperous living by eliminating negative and enhancing positive energies around us.

A home other than being just a house to live, it is an augmentation of our mental space and manifestation of our personality. Each fragment of our life is deeply entwined with the design, décor and maintenance of our home.If the home is not designed according to the Vastu principles then the energy which gets resonated in the house may result to some irreparable harm and loss to owner and the inmates.

Vastu tips for House Construction

Vastu provide basic tips for the house construction that can be followed at the time of construction even they are also applied during the head hunting of plot. These enormously useful tips of Vastu if followed religiously can yield best results immediately in terms of good health, wealth, prosperity and contentment. Here are some important and authentic Vastu tips for the house construction:

  • Before starting the construction some things have to be considered such as shape of plot which is the most important to determine. Irregular shape plot can have bad impact on occupants, so choose regular plot such as square or rectangle.
  • Vastu suggests digging a well in North-east and after that to start the construction.
  • Open space should be given more towards the North and the East and less towards the South and the West.
  • Open space at South-east and North-west should be equal.
  • Avoid planting trees in North-east corner while all other directions are suitable. Heavy trees must be grown towards South, West and South-west side.
  • More windows must be given towards East and North while Southern and Western sides must be avoided for windows and doors.
  • Avoid doors in straight line.
  • Front door must be larger than other doors especially exit door.
  • In the plots Western side must be elevated than Eastern side and Southern must be elevated than North to determine the auspiciousness.
  • As discussed North-east is the first to dig and Vastu recommends starting construction from here and then move forward to East, North and finally South & West.
  • After the foundation is dug in North-east pillars must be stand starting from South-west and later to go in South, West direction and finally in East and Nort


Vastu  for the Bedroom

The Vastu plays a major role in placement and designing of the master bedroom. The way you sleep with your head in different direction and your placement of bed is a major decision which must be taken properly with utmost care. Here are some basic points one must adhere to get peace and prosperity in your bedroom.

  • The master bedroom should always be located in the Southwest part of the house as Southwest represents the element Earth which implies the heaviness, which makes it as the ideal place for the master of the house.
  • The master bedroom should always be located in the Southwest part of the house as Southwest represents the element Earth which implies the heaviness, which makes it as the ideal place for the master of the house.
  • This is not at all suitable for children room, guest room, servant room or any other room.
  • A great deal of attention should be paid to bedrooms in a house. One should sleep with head towards South, East or West and never in north.
  • There should not be any beam crossing over the bed. If it exists, proper rectification should be done immediately otherwise the health will be affected.
  • The bed placed should be on the South/West walls and if not there, it should be kept at least 4” away from the walls.
  • The heavy almirah should be on the South/west wall.
  • The construction material for the bed should be the wood and the wrought iron beds should be avoided.
  • All the electronic gadgets should be placed at a distance from the bed as the Electro- magnetic waves emitted by them interferes with the sleep.
    • There should not be any mirror in front of the bed.
    • The shape of the bed should be regular and any irregular shape should be avoided.
    • The bed should never be placed in front of the bedroom door.
    • The mattress used on the double bed should be a single one.
    • The door of the bedroom should never produce the creaking noise.
    • The colour scheme for the bedroom in Southwest direction should be in any earthy tone like browns, shades of almond, all families of earthen colour.



Vastu Advice For The Kitchen

Kitchen is the most affected area of house from where all kind of energies prevails while an expert Vastu consultant would surely identify about the adverse situation of house if kitchen is placed incorrectly. This important part of house must be placed on its corresponding place i.e. South-east governed by element Fire. Kitchen being the important part of home is the primary contributing factor in the general health and well-being of occupants.

Some essential things need to be considered in Vastu of kitchen, read out related Vastu tip for kitchen:

  • Element Fire governs in the direction South-east, so this portion of house ideal for locating kitchen. However, if choosing alternative then North-west part could be taken for constructing kitchen but avoid making kitchen in any other direction.
  • Cooking gas or stove should be placed at South-east in such a way that while cooking the person face East.
  • Kitchens in north quadrant tend to affect health female members.
  • Place water sink in the North-east with the maximum distance from cooking gas.
  • Larger windows in the kitchen should be in Eastern side while small ventilators should be placed in South.
  • Provision for water storage and taps should be made in North-east of the kitchen.
  • Avoid placing dining table in the centre of the kitchen instead locate it in the North-west direction.
  • The sink should be in the Northeast corner of the kitchen.
  • Electric equipment like microwave, oven or refrigerator should be placed in South-west.
  • The slope of the water flow should be from Southwest towards Northeast.
  • The cylinder should be placed in the Southeast corner.
  • The Geyser should be installed on the Southeast side.
  • The storage for all the food grains, utensils, the overhead almirah should always be on the Southern and the western walls and not on the Northern and the Eastern walls.
  • The fridge should be in placed in the Southwest corner of the kitchen.
  • A dishwasher can be placed in the north west of the kitchen.
  • The exhaust fan should be installed either in the Northwest corner or the South wall.
  • There should be no toilets and bathrooms adjoining, and above or below the kitchen.
  • The door of the kitchen should never face the door of the toilet.


Vastu Advice For The Dining Room

Managing interiors with the Vaastu is a bit creative job but if everything is planned carefully, one can open the doors of the prosperity for themselves. Now we will discuss dining room in detail.

  • The dining hall should be placed in West corner, as the setting rays will kill all the harmful bacteria present in the stored food.
  • The dining can also be made in the East direction of the house, as the morning sunrays are very good for the health.
  • The dining table should be perfect square/rectangle.
  • Dining table should not be sticking to the wall.
  • If you want to place a fridge in the dining room, it should be in southeast direction.
  • While eating the members should face the east, north.
  • The wash basin should be in Northeast side of the room.
  • The main door of the house and of the Dining Room should not face each other.
  • The dining should not be adjacent to toilet.
  • The door of Pooja room/ toilet should not open in front of dining area.
  • If console has to be placed near dining for storage of crockery and utensils, it should be on South/West wall of that area.


Vastu Advice For The Pooja Room

Universe is one of the beautiful creations of nature and everything stands alive only in the limelight of truth. Just like every subject of human aspect is governed with rules, regulations & acts, similarly the art of worshipping has got certain key factor principles to attain all its benefits.

While planning a house, due to the space constraints, many people tend to ignore a separate pooja room but we must not sideline the need to make a place for GOD. Thus by creating a room for worshipping, we are creating a room to get charged with positive vibrations every morning and that energy will energize our environment, mind, body and soul. Our work efficiency will increase and so the progress, prosperity and peace.

This room should be designed carefully because when you do meditation, you should gain the positive energies and then you can feel charged. If it is in wrong direction, then no matter how much meditation you do, you will not feel charged. There are certain rules which one must follow before the commencement of designing a pooja room.


  • The pooja room should always be situated in the North, East or the Northeast side of the house.
  • One should face towards East/North while worshipping.
  • Ideally there should be no idols in the worship room. But if one wish to keep, the height of the idol should not be more than 9″and less than 2″.
  • While worshipping, the legs of the idol should be at the chest level of the person worshipping depending on the position, whether standing or sitting.
  • Nothing should be stored above the cabinet or slab here the God’s idol is placed.
  • A Pooja room should never be made in a bedroom or on a wall adjacent to the bathroom wall.
  • One shall not enter the pooja room for any purpose without washing his legs and hands. Cleaning the feet by rubbing them against each other is prohibited. The left hand must clean them and the water must be poured by the right hand. Reared side of the feet must always be cleaned first.
  • In pooja room, copper vessels only shall be used particularly where water is collected.
  • Triangular pattern of any God should not be drawn in the Pujaghar.
  • The colour of walls of pooja room should be white, lemon or light blue and the marble used should be white.
  • The worship room should have doors and windows in the north or the east
  • The Agnikund should be in the southeast direction of the worship room. The sacred offerings to the fire should be made with the face towards the east
  • Lamp stand should be placed in the Southeast corner of the pooja room.


Vastu for Garden

A well develop landscape lures our guests in most effective way thereby keeping the mood fresh and healthy. Landscaping is not only necessary for occupants to get healthy and clean ambience but lush green plants and trees livens the area. Greenery around the mansion instills few clean breathe every time we take a round around it which also renders relax and restores peace within us.

A Vastu directed garden can bring better results if everything is set & placed accordingly with Vastu norms including plants, trees and water fountain. Vastu can be followed to energize the surrounding with immensely healthy plants for the betterment of occupants and peace.

Vastu tips for garden are as follows:

  • Following a general in Vastu, garden should be made in East or North portion of mansion while South-east and South-west should be neglected for any kind of plantation.
  • A water fountain can be constructed in the East or North siding the exact North-east and North-west.
  • Do not keep plants taller than three feet in home garden area.
  • Swings should be placed in East or North direction.
  • Do not plant huge trees or plants in the middle of the garden.
  • Entertaining section for children should be located in North-west.
  • Avoid thorny bushes in the garden arena and keep the garden free from dry creepers, leaves etc to make it a comforting & relaxing place.
  • Always add some centre of attraction in garden such as any idol, artistic creation with stone like rock landscaping etc in order to make the environment peaceful and pleasant.
  • Fruitful trees should be planted in East direction and if there is swimming pool it must face North or North-east.
  • Placement of swimming pool or any other water resource in Centre, South, South-east, South-west and North-west should be avoided because water resource in these directions lead to mental instability, causes health problems and also have other adverse effects
  •  Stairs Vaastu
  •          Stairs of house or building must conform some norms as per Vastu because oddly made stairs can lead various mishappenings in house related to disease, odd things and losing mental peace. There some rules laid down in Vastu-Shastra as how stair case should construct:
  • Ideally stairs should be constructed in South. West or South-west corners to gain good wealth and for inmates health. However, stairs in other corners lead to loss of wealth.
  • Stairs should be constructed clock i.e. clock wise and anti-clockwise stairs should be avoided.
  • Number of stairs should not be even numbers or zero at unit place such as 10, 20, 30; stairs are good in odd number for instance 3, 9, 11, 13 etc.
  • Avoid stairs in Brahmsthan- Centre of the house which is inauspicious. Main stair should never originate from strong room, kitchen and pooja room.
  • Circular stairs should also be avoided.
  • Stairs arising from South, West or South-west are auspicious and beneficial in terms of financial gain.
  • The starting stair should not be round.
  • Unruly and bad conditioned stairs create mental instability and stress among inmates. Thus stairs should be kept in good condition through repair.
  • Room having staircase in South-west direction is not good for occupant and lead to problems like hypertension, anemia and other complicated disease which are sometimes incurable
  • Vastu for Well and Tube-Well

    Water is one of the significant elements among Panchbhootas that constitute the entire concept of Vastu-Shastra. The placement of well or tube-well in a house should be proper so as to gain profits and over-all prosperity. There are some set of rules involve in Vastu for the location of under-ground well or tube-well and it has been observed that well or tube-well if placed in wrong direction leads to numerous problems in terms of health, wealth and prosperity. Thus it is important to give water its essential space so as to counteract negative energies and making the environment positive.

    Some problems faced by occupants if well-or tube-well is located in wrong direction are:

    • Wealth loss
    • Low virility
    • Sexual problems in male member
    • Enemy trouble
    • Quarrel with children
    • Death in extreme cases
    • Problems in female members or no female in family

    Therefore it is best to make well/tube-well in proper location to avoid any kind of mishap or loss. Some ideal directions for water resource are:

    • North
    • North-east
    • East

    However avoid locating underground water resource in South, South-east, South-west or North-west because these directions are inauspicious for under-ground water and only lead to heavy losses.


Vastu Advice For Toilet

Placement of toilet in a home is most important for the health and wealth of the inmates living there. If by hap toilet is placed at undesirable place then surely it would lead to major problems such as finance loss, health problems, mental tension and stress etc. Vastu-Shastra lays down rules for the placement toilet and WC so that it won’t create any complication for any occupant. The positioning of toilet should be complaint to Vastu norms in every way, here are some rules for placement of toilet:

  • North-west is ideally considered for the placement of toilet while attached toilet in bathroom must also be in this direction only.
  • Alternative direction for the construction of toilet is South-east.
  • Avoid toilet in North-east and East.
  • The toilets should be located at a safe distance from the kitchen and the dining room.
  • W.C should always be on the Southeast/ Northwest Side and facing North/South.
  • WC should never come down just below the running stairs.
  • The bigger window should be on the north and a smaller one in the west.
  • Door of toilet should be placed in Eastern sides.
  • Mirror should always be on the East or North wall.
  • The WC should never come in front of the bathroom door.
  • If there is almirah, it should always be on the Southwest Side of the toilet.
  • The slope of the bathroom floor should be towards north and east so water drains to the northeast side of the bathroom.
  • The suitable directions for keeping the washing machine are southeast and northwest.
  • Avoid dark shades on toilet walls.
  • Vastu for Entrance Gate

    Entrance of a house explains everything because this is the gateway from which energies constantly goes in and out. This important gate should be maintained with utmost care while direction should be appropriate to reap rich benefits. Specific directions decide fate of occupants and if unfortunately placed in wrong direction then remedies should be followed by traditional rituals prescribed.

    All the negative and positive energies surround here and which is why is important to locate main gate in proper direction to maintain well-being and prosperity in house. Vastu tips for entrance are:

    • Entrance of house is best in North and East sides
    • Entrance gate should be heavier, stronger and bigger than other doors of house.
    • Keep the entrance clutter free and tidy to make the surrounding positive.
    • Entrance should never be dark and ensure that this place is well lit throughout.
    • Avoid keeping garbage or dustbin near the entrance.
    • Main should not make any creaky noise.
    • Main gate should never face intersecting roads.
    • There should not be any obstruction in the entrance gate with things like poles, tree, wires and vehicles.
    • Main door should always open inwards.
    • Entrance of house should not face temple.
    • Embellish main door with Om, Swastik, and flowers.
    • Avoid any under-water or septic tanks under the main entrance.
    • Lift of building should not face entrance.
    • No wall should obstruct in front of main gate.
    • Avoid self-closing door.

Source : Shivamcement.com.np


August 26, 2017 |

Prefab house fabricators in Nepal.





prefab house fabricators in    section which are best choice to built prefab house ,which are known as a cheapest,best & strongest earthquake resistant house in nepal Today,If you are interested in prefab house then -for more info:contact:9851110960

July 28, 2017 |

House construction cost in kathmandu




RS 36 lakh for one story,66 lakh for 2,5 story


Are you planning to built a new standard ,strong,& best look,architecturely designed house ? without  providing your valuable time & effort in very reasonable cost in tension free enviornment.Remember   purely managed & operated by young engineering team in Nepal.

The cost for full general  finished home  for first floor cost just Rs;3800  /per sq.feet for second /Third floor is Rs:3000/ .It is a  just ready to shift.takes entirely responsive starting to end ,house map drawing to final map registration certificate from concerned dept.

This ccost is very reasonable as we calculate the cost of latest constructions materials  & labour wages.

Mostly local contractors ,they just built ,a house owner should manage themselves entire  constructions materials,& should find  seperate contractors like:finding painter.plumbers,electricians ,carpenter,marble fixer,floorings,kitchen fafricators,alumunium & iron fabfricators ..etc Which are unlimited tensionable & time consuming.

According experiance of Vijaya sharma -chief operation officer of cnstructed by MERO GHAR is cheaper,stronger,better,& well designed.

The full finished cost for 900 sq.feet is Rs 36laks only.It means in general four  rooms .The  cost  includes:Kitchen,toilets,bharyang,bed rooms,bathrooms,dining hall,For two and half story cost Rs 66 laks,

Approx Materials with cost for 2.5 Story House

.Brick:50000:Rs 800000/

.Sand:14 tipper:Rs 400000/

.Cement: 1200 packs:Rs950000/

Concrette:9 tripper:Rs 250000/

.Rod: 13ton:Rs 1000000/

.Paint: Rs 250000/

.Plumbing with wages:Rs 400000/

.Chaukash and door:500000/

.alumunium Window:275000/

Taps and fittings:Rs 200000/

Marble and tiles:Rs 300000/

Electrical and wages:Rs200000/Map and Nagarpalika: 125000/

Anya:Rs 200000/

wages:Rs 1200000/

if any inquiry  or work 9851110960 Ganesh Khadka



July 28, 2017 |

Wood Carvings in Nepal



JK Wood carving  ,Lalitpur tel:9842750785 Anjana Tamrakar is a mfr of quality wood carvings.







Woodcarving in Nepal has been most highly developed in the Kathmandu Valley, which comprises Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur districts. These three are home to the world’s rarest wooden art. Perhaps nowhere else in the world are the carvings as sophisticated, dramatic and extensively incorporated in construction. Even the name, “Kathmandu,” indicates the unique focus of this area. Derived from the Sanskrit word kastamandap, whichis the conjunction of kasta, meaning wood and mandapa, meaning temple or hall, Kathmandu means “temple made of wood.”

At the western edge of Kathmandu’s Durbar Square one finds the structure known as Kastamandap, the oldest surviving timber structure ion the valley, its three tiers of pagoda roof rising fifty feet above a long veranda. The structure dates back 800 years, and legend tells how it was constructed entirely from the trunk of a single sal tree(Shorea robusta). Yet with the extent of wooden temples and iconography throughout Kathmandu and vicinities, a more accurate definition of “Kathmandu” would be “city of temples made of wood.”

Temple pillars, Deity icons and palace portals display the epitome of local carving skill. Apart from these, the predominant use of elaborate woodwork is in doorways and windows of the wealthy, though even common households strive to embellish their structures. Usually, frames of doors and windows are made of hardwood–a painstaking job. Hardwoods are first seasoned for a number of years so that the doors and windows can last for centuries. Frames are primarily carved with floral designs. The doors themselves are usually made of softwood and carved with images of Gods and Goddesses. But wherever the doors are exposed to harsh conditions, they are made of hardwood as well. Some are decorated with the eyes of Buddha. Others have designs of the traditional religious water pot, kalash, fish and flowers, all symbols of good fortune.

Apart from many standard options, the preferred ornamental designs are the lotus window, mesh, chariot, peacock and oriel windows. Windows in Nepal serve a higher function than those of Western architecture. They are not mere inlets for air and light, but are portals of peace and beauty. Sculpted upon them are images of Gods and Goddesses who are expected to protect residents within from evil forces. Certain windows are not even meant for looking through. Their main function is artistic and symbolic. As such, many styles of window do not open. The option to peer out is found mostly in balcony windows, through which modest and reserved women can view the happenings in the city without becoming involved. Such windows are symbols of higher social and economic status of those people.

The Nepalese woodcarving tools are simple and traditional: chisel, adze, handsaw, wooden mallet and jack plane. Craftsmen embellish wood for interior decoration as well as for exterior use. For centuries, a particular caste among the Nepalese Newars, called “Silpakar,” has dutifully preserved the country’s woodcarving heritage. Lately, however, peoples of other castes have joined the occupation. Originally supported and encouraged by the Malla kings, the art is now supported primarily through purchases made by Western tourists.

Patan is known as city of FINE ARTS in the world.

Most Silpakars are still engaged themselves in various aspects of the woodcarving industry. Silpakars are prominent at Jombahal, in Lalitpur, and out of 700 Silpakar families in Bugmati, 300 operate their own woodcarving shops. Om Krishna Silpakar,  the owner of Om Wood Carving & Jk wood carving,run by Anjana Tamrakar  (9841750785 0),purna wood Carving  at Patan  are  such  a family.Wood carving Industries  estd in 1967,by Moti Lal silpakar  ,at Patan industrial Estate is  a pioneer wood carvings exporters in international market  who introduce a wood carvings business  in Nepal.


Most Silpakars, feels an abiding love of and responsibility to his tradition. “om krishna silpakar  proud that I have protected the wood carving industry started by my forefathers,” he said. “I have been able to introduce Nepal to some 40 to 50 countries through the exports of my woodwork. This gives me great satisfaction. During my childhood, I would be thrilled when tourists visited. I still remember fondly when King Tribhuvan and Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru visited our workshop.”

Of late, modern construction has threatened to usurp traditional architecture. Yet the old-style carvings still lure tourists. In an effort to preserve existing ancient works, the Bhaktapur municipality has strictly prohibited the demolition of traditional buildings for replacement with modern ones.

History relates how woodcarving in Nepal developed in Kathmandu Valley largely during the Malla dynasty, which was founded in 1350 by Jayasthiti Malla. The Malla period continued for almost 600 years and was a glorious era in the history of Nepal. Mallas developed trade and commerce, industry, religion and culture. They reached a high level of perfection in the fields of art and architecture. John Sanday in his book Monuments of the Kathmandu Valley writes, “The traditional buildings that are mostly in evidence throughout the valley today represent the craft and architecture of the Malla dynasty, which started in the fourteenth century, survived the early Shah period, but rapidly faded during the Rana era.” The Rana period started in Nepal with the rise of Jang Bahadur Rana in 1846 and the system crumbled down in 1951. One of the reasons why the artistic and architectural activity flourished during the Malla period was that the kings protected such activity. Whatever architecture Nepal has to be proud of today is not from modern construction but solely due to the beautiful art cultivated by the Malla regime.

Today, things are not all favorable for the Nepalese craftsmen. Woodcarvers have their own challenges to overcome. Ramlal Silpakar complains, “The depletion of forests has created a shortage of sal trees, which take at least a hundred years to mature in the forest. It is not within the means of many of the craftsmen to afford the skyrocketing prices of sal wood.” Sita Maiya adds, “Lack of incentive from the side of the state is also a serious problem. In the past, the carving industry prospered because of protection from the state. But now, who cares for the industry?” Ram Bahadur, who has been in carving for generations, states, “We have to stand and make a living on our own. Prospects for training are limited. Many craftsmen families who used to carve wonders have abandoned their craft.” And Shyam Sakya, a prominent woodcarvings businessman says that the domestic market has been whittled down to just the affluent.

A unique success in wood arts is the Hotel Dwarikas, which is the lifetime achievement of late Dwarika Das Shrestha. The hotel is the manifestation of his effort to restore and preserve a culture and a heritage. Shrestha rescued ancient carvings from demolition sites and commissioned new works from local craftsmen, all of which are maintained and displayed in the hotel, which he created to be a “living museum.” Dwarikas (www.dwarikas.com) is now dynamically managed by Shrestha’s wife, Ambica,


July 26, 2017 |

Cement Adhesives are Manufectured in Nepal



Gorkha Eco Panel

काठमाडौं । स्थायी तथा अस्थायी संरचनाको निर्माण गर्दा इँटाको विकल्पमा प्रयोग गरिने इको प्यानलको जोडाइमा प्रयोग हुने एडिसिभ(adhesive) सिमेन्टको नेपालमै उत्पादन सुरु भएको छ । हालसम्म विदेशबाट आयात गरी प्रयोग भइरहेकोमा नेपालमै पहिलो पटक गोर्खा इको प्यानलले यो सिमेन्टको उत्पादन थालेको हो ।

यो सिमेन्ट इको प्यानलको जोडाइका साथै बाथरुम र किचेनका टायलहरु टाँंस्न प्रयोग गरिन्छ । इको प्यानलको जोडाइमा प्रयोग हुने यो सिमेन्ट अन्य सिमेन्ट भन्दा फरक हुन्छ । सामान्य सिमेन्ट भन्दा यसको कम्प्रेसिभ स्ट्रेन्थ(जोडाई क्षमता) मजबुत हुने भएकाले इको प्यानलको जोडाईमा यही सिमेन्ट आवश्यक पर्छ ।

उत्पादित सिमेन्ट प्रति बोरा ५० केजीको छ । यसअघि चीनबाट आयातित गरिआएकोमा अहिले बहराइनस्थित साझेदार कम्पनी अल खाजाको प्रविधि नेपालमा भित्राई यसको उत्पादन नेपालमै सुरु गरेको गोर्खा इको प्यानलका प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृत(सीइओ) इञ्जिनियर कृष्णभक्त दुवालले बताए ।

भारतबाट आयातित प्रिफ्याब प्यानलहरुले ज्वाइन्टमा सिमेन्टको प्रयोग नगरे पनि गोर्खा इको प्यानलले यो सिमेन्ट प्रयोग गर्दै आएको सिईओ दुवालले बताए । ल्याबमा पूर्ण परीक्षण पश्चात मात्रै यो सिमेन्ट बजारमा पठाउने उनले बताए । सकेसम्म अत्यधिक स्वदेशी कच्चा पदार्थको प्रयोगबाट यो सिमेन्टको उत्पादन थालेको उनले जनाए । एडिसिभ सिमेन्टको प्रयोगले इको प्यानलमा भएका टंङ्ग एण्ड ग्रुभको जोडाई मजबुत हुने उनले बताए ।

ल्यावमा परीक्षण गर्दा यसको  कम्प्रेशिभ स्ट्रेन्थ ४० एमपीए रहेको जनाइएको छ जुन अन्य सिमेन्टमा भन्दा धेरै हो । यो एडिसिभ सिमेन्ट चाँंडो सुक्ने भएकोले काम गर्न सहज हुने बताइएको छ ।

एडिसिभ सिमेन्टको उत्पादन थालेको गोर्खा इको प्यानल स्वदेशमै इको प्यानल उत्पादन गर्ने नेपालकै पहिलो कम्पनी हो । यो आईएसओ ९००१:२०१५ चिन्ह प्राप्त कम्पनी हो । ‘निर्माण सामाग्रीमा हरित क्रान्ति’ भन्ने नाराका साथ कम मात्रै प्राकृतिक श्रोतसाधनको प्रयोग गरी यो कम्पनीले स्वदेशमै निर्माण सामाग्री उत्पादन गर्दै आइरहेको छ । कम्पनीले काठको विकल्पको रुपमा पूर्ण वातावरणमैत्री यूपीभीसीको झ्याल ढोकाहरु पनि उत्पादन गर्दै आएको छ ।

ल्यावमा परीक्षण गर्दा यसको  कम्प्रेशिभ स्ट्रेन्थ ४० एमपीए रहेको जनाइएको छ जुन अन्य सिमेन्टमा भन्दा धेरै हो । यो एडिसिभ सिमेन्ट चाँंडो सुक्ने भएकोले काम गर्न सहज हुने बताइएको छ ।

एडिसिभ सिमेन्टको उत्पादन थालेको गोर्खा इको प्यानल स्वदेशमै इको प्यानल उत्पादन गर्ने नेपालकै पहिलो कम्पनी हो । यो आईएसओ ९००१:२०१५ चिन्ह प्राप्त कम्पनी हो । ‘निर्माण सामाग्रीमा हरित क्रान्ति’ भन्ने नाराका साथ कम मात्रै प्राकृतिक श्रोतसाधनको प्रयोग गरी यो कम्पनीले स्वदेशमै निर्माण सामाग्री उत्पादन गर्दै आइरहेको छ । कम्पनीले काठको विकल्पको रुपमा पूर्ण वातावरणमैत्री यूपीभीसीको झ्याल ढोकाहरु पनि उत्पादन गर्दै आएको छ ।


July 25, 2017 |
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